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    Government acknowledges the spread of child labor in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Government acknowledges the spread of child labor in Iraq Empty Government acknowledges the spread of child labor in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 05 Dec 2024, 4:20 am

    [size=35][size=35]Government acknowledges the spread of child labor in Iraq[/size]
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    2024-12-05 | 02:29
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]News - Local

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs indicated an expansion in the phenomenon of child labor in the country, despite the decrease in the rates of school dropouts compared to previous years, as a result of their inclusion in educational grants.

    The ministry’s spokesman, Najm Al-Aqabi, explained that his ministry had taken several legal steps and procedures to reduce the phenomenon of child labor, through awareness and education for families registered in the social protection database, in addition to[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]With the Children's Parliament and those responsible for developing the child protection policy, especially since most of the workers are registered in brick factories, popular markets and industrial neighborhoods.

    He pointed out that the ministry referred violators to the competent courts and fined them financially, through field follow-up by inspection committees that monitored a significant increase in the number of children involved in work in local markets, indicating that it directed to communicate with the families of the children to agree with them according to a legal pledge obligating them to return them to school and not to engage in work again.

    Al-Aqabi confirmed that the educational grant contributed to the return of a large number of children who dropped out of school, compared to previous years, but the rates of child labor are still high due to the deteriorating economic situation and the absence of a breadwinner, which forces some families to put their children to work at an early age, noting that the labor law prohibits the employment of children before the age of 15, due to the serious negative effects of this crime on the future generation, stressing the need to implement the provisions of the labor law in this regard.

    Despite national campaigns and punitive measures, child labor is still rampant in the country, as the head of the Strategic Center for Human Rights revealed in...[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Fadhel Al-Gharawi, earlier, about the occupation[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Ranked fourth in the Arab world in child labor.

    It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Labor Law has limited child labor, as it has set criminal penalties in Article 11, which stipulates that anyone who violates the provisions of the articles related to child labor, discrimination, forced labor, and sexual harassment shall be punished with imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine not exceeding one million dinars, or with one of these two penalties.

    In the middle of last year, the Ministry of Labor considered the phenomenon of child labor to be "the worst in the history of Iraq," announcing the launch of a national campaign in cooperation with the International Labor Organization that includes a series of activities aimed at combating the worst forms of child labor in the country.

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