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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    MP: Political consensus hindered ministerial reshuffle, field reform is the most appropriate solutio

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    MP: Political consensus hindered ministerial reshuffle, field reform is the most appropriate solutio Empty MP: Political consensus hindered ministerial reshuffle, field reform is the most appropriate solutio

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Dec 2024, 4:38 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]MP: Political consensus hindered ministerial reshuffle, field reform is the most appropriate solution[/size]
    • Today 12:03

    Information / Baghdad..
    Member of the Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, confirmed today, Saturday, that political consensus hindered the ministerial amendment, and field reform is the most appropriate solution.
    Al-Kadhimi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency that "conducting a ministerial reshuffle during the remaining period of the government's life is not technically possible, explaining that choosing an alternative minister requires a long time and a complex process within the House of Representatives."
    He pointed out that "it is best for the Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, to work on reforming the conditions of the ministries in the field and following up on them seriously and continuously to address the existing observations and shortcomings." 
    He added that "Al-Sudani, during his follow-up and experience of the government situation, raised a number of observations that require attention."
    Al-Kadhimi explained that "the political consensus had a negative impact on the issue of the ministerial amendment, which led to its delay, stressing that the most appropriate solution currently, in light of the remaining period of the government's life, is to focus on reforming the ministries in the field, while holding accountable and punishing those who are negligent."
    He pointed out that "there are demands from some parliamentary committees and members of the House of Representatives to question ministers under the dome of Parliament, stressing that there are names submitted to the Presidency of the Council in the legal number required to conduct the questioning, calling on the Council to include the subject on its agenda."
    Al-Kadhimi confirmed at the end of his speech that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has no objection to these interrogations." End 25s
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