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    A new crisis is on the line.. Al-Sudani throws the ball of the ministerial reshuffle into the court

    Admin Assist
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    A new crisis is on the line.. Al-Sudani throws the ball of the ministerial reshuffle into the court  Empty A new crisis is on the line.. Al-Sudani throws the ball of the ministerial reshuffle into the court

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Dec 2024, 6:49 am

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    [size=52]A new crisis is on the line.. Al-Sudani throws the ball of the ministerial reshuffle into the court of the political blocs[/size]
    • Today 14:28

    The government program voted on by the House of Representatives to pass Al-Sudani's government included a ministerial amendment within a period of three months, according to a government and parliamentary evaluation of the work of the ministers and the extent of their implementation of the government program.
    The political forces authorized Al-Sudani to make amendments to the faltering or inefficient ministries, as a ministerial committee was formed to evaluate the performance of the ministers and its representative in the House of Representatives. The results of the work of these two committees were submitted to the Council of Ministers some time ago, but the amendment was not made, for reasons related to Al-Sudani’s desire to make room for correcting the work of those ministries that were approved by the ministerial and parliamentary evaluation committees. 
    During the session hosting Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani in the House of Representatives, and according to his request, the issue of the Sudanese amendment was raised, and Al-Sudani explained that he could not carry out the amendment unless the opinion of the political blocs included in the replacement of their ministers was taken into account, since the government is a coalition government. 
    Al-Sudani said during the session that the ministerial amendment is one of the principles of the government program and its goal does not target any party or person, and the reason for the failure to proceed with it is the lack of agreement of some parties of the political forces that have agreed to form the government.
    He added that the delay in making the amendment was due to the political forces, due to the lack of consensus, as some political forces requested the replacement of another minister from their ministers and their share instead of the minister intended for replacement, while other blocs presented poor alternatives.
    For his part, the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance bloc, Moeen Al-Kazemi, stressed that political consensus hindered the ministerial amendment, and field reform is the most appropriate solution.
    Al-Kadhimi said, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that "conducting a ministerial amendment during the remaining period of the government's life is not technically possible, explaining that choosing an alternative minister requires a long time and a complex process within the House of Representatives."
    He added that "it is best for the Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, to work on reforming the situation of the ministries in the field and following up on them seriously and continuously to address the existing observations and shortcomings," indicating that "al-Sudani, during his follow-up and experience of the government situation, raised a number of observations that require attention."
    Al-Kadhimi explained that "the political consensus had a negative impact on the issue of the ministerial amendment, which led to its delay, stressing that the most appropriate solution currently, in light of the remaining period of the government's life, is to focus on reforming the ministries in the field, while holding accountable and punishing those who are negligent."

    For her part, a member of the Parliamentary Planning Committee confirmed to Al-Maalouma Agency that "the ministerial change is subject to the vision of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani according to his government program," noting that "the change must be accepted and consulted by the political forces."
    In addition, political analyst Ali Fadlallah ruled out a ministerial reshuffle, stating that the circumstances are not suitable.
    Fadlallah said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency that "the current circumstances in Iraq are not conducive to making any ministerial amendment, noting that the ongoing differences between the political class and the government make this matter extremely difficult."
    He added that "the prime minister's government will not witness major changes in the near term, given the lack of political consensus that could push towards a comprehensive cabinet reshuffle."
    He pointed out that there are a number of ministries that require radical changes due to their poor performance, most notably the ministries of electricity, oil, transportation, education, foreign affairs, and defense, indicating that "these ministries were unable to fulfill the responsibilities placed on them during the previous stage, describing their management as a failure." End / 25m
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