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    Electricity: Smart transformation does not impose an increase in tariff prices

    Admin Assist
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    Electricity: Smart transformation does not impose an increase in tariff prices Empty Electricity: Smart transformation does not impose an increase in tariff prices

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Dec 2024, 4:34 am

    Posted on[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] by [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Electricity: Smart transformation does not impose an increase in tariff prices[/size]

    [size=45]The Ministry of Electricity confirmed that the smart transformation of the electricity grid will include all governorates, and will not impose an increase in tariff prices.[/size]
    [size=45]The spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity, Ahmed Moussa, said in a statement to the official media: “Within the framework of the Minister of Electricity’s directives for smart transformation in the electricity grid, controlling high loads and large losses, and maximizing collection resources, the ministry has developed a large plan for smart transformation that includes installing smart meters, rehabilitating distribution networks, and equipping informal and agricultural areas with electricity,” noting that “4 contracts have been signed in 4 governorates for smart transformation in the electricity grid and installing smart meters with the rehabilitation of distribution networks in them.”
    He added that “the Minister of Electricity directed that investment complexes, whether residential, industrial or commercial, be included in the smart transformation, and a plan was developed to control high loads, and part of it was implemented, especially in government departments,” indicating that “complete lists of high loads were prepared and part of the smart meters were installed for government departments, factories and commercial establishments to control high loads and organize their connection to the electricity grid.”
    “The experience of converting investment complexes of all kinds will be in all governorates of Iraq and will not be limited to Baghdad. The owners of investment complexes will be contacted if they wish to obtain an opportunity to work with the Ministry of Electricity to install smart (HES) systems and install smart meters in those complexes,” Musa explained, noting that “the budget obligated the ministry and those complexes to smartly transform the network, and they are the first to have the opportunity if they want to obtain that opportunity and install meters or collect electricity fees from consumers in a smart manner. If they do not want that opportunity, it will be announced and companies will be brought in to install those meters and install HES systems that are linked to control centers, to control those high loads and organize them and also pay the costs of energy consumed by citizens.”
    He added that “the smart transformation will be in Baghdad and all governorates and will be applied on a mechanism that there will be no increase in the tariff price, and those investment complexes, whether residential, industrial, commercial or other, have been reassured that there will be no increase in the tariff price and the investor or owner of the investment complex will not be authorized to change prices or tamper with electricity shares, but rather there will be a supervisor working with the Ministry of Electricity to regulate consumption, install meters and collect electricity fees.”[/size]
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