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    The number of representatives does not exceed 70 representatives

    Admin Assist
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    The number of representatives does not exceed 70 representatives Empty The number of representatives does not exceed 70 representatives

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Dec 2024, 6:47 am

    No signs of holding a session of the Iraqi parliament.. The number of representatives does not exceed 70 representatives
    3 minute read
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Iraqi Council of Representatives
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Parliament of Representatives

    Informed parliamentary sources revealed today, Sunday, that there are no signs of holding a session of the Iraqi Parliament today, which includes voting on controversial laws with a “single basket.”

    The sources told the "Al-Jabal" platform that "until now, there are no signs of holding a session of the Iraqi Parliament, due to the ongoing disagreements over controversial laws, and there is no new agreement or understanding to vote on those laws, and this is what led to breaking the quorum of the session so far."

    She added that "the number of representatives currently present inside the House of Representatives building does not exceed (70) representatives, with contacts between some heads of parliamentary blocs in order to hold meetings to discuss the possibility of holding a session today," adding that "the data confirms the postponement of those controversial laws to the new legislative session, i.e. to the beginning of next year."

    Last Friday, the representative of the Sadiqoun bloc, Ibtisam Al-Hilali, indicated that a large number of representatives objected to passing the controversial laws in a “single basket” because they differ in their content and objectives from other laws. 

    Al-Hilali stated in a statement received by Al-Jabal, a copy of which, that “there is a parliamentary consensus within the House of Representatives to reject the method of voting on laws in one basket,” adding: “Each session must be dedicated to voting on laws individually, away from political pressures and not submitting to the desires of some alliances that are trying to obstruct the approval of important laws for reasons that have become known to everyone.”

    She added that "the insistence on linking the controversial laws to one basket by the Sunni alliances negatively affected the passage of the Personal Status Law and other laws," indicating that "most political forces are in favor of passing the Personal Status Law, with the exception of the Sunni alliances."

    Before that, the House of Representatives announced the adjournment of its session after disagreements over the three "controversial" laws.

    Members of the House of Representatives revealed the possibility of postponing controversial laws to the next period, after Parliament failed to vote on the general amnesty law, the personal status law, and Kirkuk real estate, repeatedly, the last of which was in the last session.

    MP for the State of Law bloc, Taleb al-Yasari, said, “The three laws may be postponed until further notice due to the crises in the region,” as “we will enter a legislative holiday for a month after 6 days and we only have one legislative session,” explaining that “the laws were suspended for a final vote as a whole and the disagreement was over the order in which the laws were passed.”
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