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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Mr. Al-Hakim calls for making Iraq a regional headquarters for international organizations

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Mr. Al-Hakim calls for making Iraq a regional headquarters for international organizations Empty Mr. Al-Hakim calls for making Iraq a regional headquarters for international organizations

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Dec 2024, 4:58 am

    Mr. Al-Hakim calls for making Iraq a regional headquarters for international organizations
    • Time: 2024/12/09 13:29:01
    • Reading: 312 times

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    {Politics: Al Furat News} The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Mr. Ammar Al Hakim, confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq is qualified to be a regional headquarters for international organizations due to the improvement of its security situation, calling for the work of these organizations to be consistent with the priorities of the Iraqi government at the current stage.
    Al-Hakim's media office said in a statement received by {Al-Furat News} that "Al-Hakim received this morning Ghulam Mohammad Ishaqzai, Deputy Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs, and during the meeting they discussed the developments of the humanitarian and social reality in Iraq and the region and the role of international organizations in supporting Iraq in the phase after the end of the tasks of the United Nations mission in it." 
    He stressed "the importance of the work of international organizations, and the necessity for the work to be consistent with the priorities of the Iraqi government at the current stage," calling for "Iraq to be a regional headquarters for these organizations so that they can provide support to it in an easier and simpler way, in light of the positive security situation in the country." 
    He explained that "our current priority is the priority of services after we have overcome the security, social and political challenges," stressing the support of Iraq in the path of capacity development and institution building, calling on "international organizations to contribute to supporting local governments, and we said that supporting local governments is an actual translation of the nature of the decentralized system in Iraq." 
    According to the statement, Mr. Al-Hakim stressed "the importance of supporting Iraq in the files of health, education, and youth and women care in our country," indicating that "Iraq needs to leave the single-income state, which requires diversifying other sources of income and activating the productive sectors of agriculture, industry, tourism, investment, and modern technology." 
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