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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Aajl..alaargi: The Council of Ministers decided to pay a monthly budget to avoid crises


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Aajl..alaargi: The Council of Ministers decided to pay a monthly budget to avoid crises Empty Aajl..alaargi: The Council of Ministers decided to pay a monthly budget to avoid crises

    Post by wciappetta Wed 21 Jan 2015, 5:17 am

    Posted Today, 03:56 AM
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    Wednesday, December 21, 2 / January 2015 11:24
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    Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji said that "the Council of Ministers Payout budget for fiscal 2015 on a monthly basis, according to the wills and oil in order to avoid crises."
    Araji said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "given the economic conditions critical that Iraq is going through, because of the decline in oil prices, the Council of Ministers form a crisis cell to determine spending priorities and exchange and to find some revenue."
    He added that "the relevant circumstances, the Council of Ministers discussed the issue of exchange and spending for 2015 and it would be a month, according to oil imports for that month so we avoid crises and be in front of detailed knowledge, and it is natural to be expenses and expenses of parallel imports."
    The Council of Ministers has decided in its meeting yesterday the formation of a crisis cell headed by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and membership, finance ministers and oil and planning, as well as the Governor of the Central Bank and the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister shall establish priorities for the government and the doors of the exchange.
    Iraq is facing financial hardship and a lack of liquidity with a large fiscal deficit is estimated at 60 trillion dinars due to lower global oil prices to below $ 50 per barrel, especially since the Iraq depends on oil rents by up to 85% .anthy

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