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    Government surprise parliament draft a new law to Federal Court

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Location : San Antonio

    Government surprise parliament draft a new law to Federal Court  Empty Government surprise parliament draft a new law to Federal Court

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 16 Mar 2015, 9:34 am

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    16-03-2015 01:29 PM
    Deputies said they were surprised by the new B'msudh 'for the Law of the Federal Court by the Government Abadi, after the House of Representatives first reading of the draft the previous law. 
    He revealed members of the Parliamentary Legal Committee on the most important changes that have taken place on the new draft, which summarized by making the Presidency of the Federal Court the powers of the Chairman of the Board the judiciary, unlike the attempts were the end of the previous session of the separation between the two positions, as well as to increase the number of members of the Court of 13, including 4 of Shariah scholars who will be given the right to veto laws that are contrary to law. 
    The former minister said that the new draft stipulates that decisions within the Court shall take consensus and not by majority. 
    The Council of Ministers, headed by Haider al-Abadi, had voted on 24 February, the draft of the Federal Supreme Court Act to the House of Representatives after reviewed and audited by the competent ministerial committee.

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