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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jones: US oil companies wary of entering the market because of the Iraqi Security


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Jones: US oil companies wary of entering the market because of the Iraqi Security Empty Jones: US oil companies wary of entering the market because of the Iraqi Security

    Post by wciappetta Sat 21 Mar 2015, 4:41 am

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    US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones

    Jones: US oil companies wary of entering the market because of the Iraqi Security

    Author: ASJ, HH 
    Editor: BK, HH 21/03/2015 nine thirty-nine a.m. number of readings: 233

    Long-Presse /Baghdad

    Expressed the US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, on Saturday, the desire of his country's companies to enter the domestic market and the implementation of investment in projects, as he emphasized that the oil companies are "concerned" about the security situation and the nature of the business environment in Iraq, pointed out that the bank branch "Citigroup" Baghdad continues to work and is a "profitable investment."

    Said Stuart Jones in an interview to the (long-Presse), said that "a lot of American companies want to enter the Iraqi market, despite hesitation some, especially oil, to concern about the security situation and investment environment," noting that "American companies need to clean work environment."

    Jones added, "The American City Bank, which has branches in the capital Baghdad Bank continues to work about an effective and active," returned to "section is a bargain investment for the bank Mother."

    And the intent of the other US banks work in Iraq in the future, Jones stressed that "it is related departments of those banks," pointing to "the lack of formal or fixed timings on it yet."

    The US ambassador in Baghdad, Stuart Jones, announced in (the tenth of March 2015), the arrival of the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and the United States to more than $ 16 billion, while stressing that more than seven billion of them Iraqi exports, between Washington looks to expand its relations "strategy" with Baghdad.

    It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Ministry of Trade, revealed in (the thirtieth of December 2014 the past), the arrival of the volume of trade exchange between Baghdad and Washington to $ 15 billion and $ 300 million during that year.

    The Citigroup bank (Citigroup) US, announced, (24th of June 2013), the opening of an office in Baghdad, becoming the first US bank expands its services to include Iraq, betting on his move this on the long-term economic opportunities in the oil-rich country.

    It is noteworthy that many economists have repeatedly called for the need to develop the reality of the Iraqi banking and investment environment and the reduction of "rampant corruption" in the country, to encourage local and foreign businessmen to implement more projects and the recovery of the national economy.

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