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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Escape California Now – While You Still Can!


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! Empty Escape California Now – While You Still Can!

    Post by Lobo Thu 18 Jun 2015, 3:40 pm

    [size=36]Escape California Now –[/size]
    [size=36]While You Still Can![/size]
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! California-drought
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer

    [size=30]CALIFORNIA IS DOOMED![/size]

    [size=30]No Water = No People[/size]

    [size=30]No People = No Economy[/size]

    [size=30]Millions will Flee[/size]

    [size=30]What will America do with Millions of Water Refugees?[/size]
    Calapsifornia has only one year’s water left, as of June 2015, and if you think “they” will fix it, think again. Your life may depend on it. Remember Hurricane Katrina; People die after 3 days without water, and the government did not go in with drinking water until FIVE DAYS had gone by.
    The government works for the heads of giant corporations and major stockholders, period. Currently they are using46% of water to ‘restore wetlands! Are they doing this on purpose so they can buy up  California cheaply?
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! California-drought2
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    The drought is caused by the jet stream moving, because of the Pacific warming up, and it’s not moving back again for a very, very long time.
    We submit that the oceans are warming because the 3 million undersea volcanoes are starting to erupt. Evidence to support this is that there is boiling water in the Arctic, and undersea volcanoes are melting glaciers in the Antarctic.
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    On June 16 2015, the upscale town of Mountain House was told that within a few days they would have zero water, because the government was cancelling the water contract to their supplier. This is more proof that the government does not care about you.
    While the water company may find another source of water, they may not.
    Just think – within a few days those people may have no water, no place to live, a house worth nothing while they still have a mortgage, have to move and maybe have no job into the bargain.
    Just like that, the property values of millions of dollars worth of homes belonging to 15,000 residents nosedives toward zero. Even though it’s a ‘master planned’ community, it would appear that noone planned a permanent supply of water.
    After all, what’s the value of a home that has no running water? California isn’t Africa… yet… so the idea of carrying your own buckets of water for bathing isn’t widely accepted.
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! Californias-drought-Huntington-Lake
    Marina owner Mitzi Richards carries her granddaughter as they walk on their boat dock at the dried up lake bed of Huntington Lake which is at only 30 percent capacity as a severe drought continues to affect California on September 23, 2014. California is in the grip of its third year of severe drought, the worst in decades, threatening to drain underground aquifers and leaving the taps of some 40 million people to run dry. The state’s drought affected Central Valley, is the considered the richest food-producing region in the world, where much of America’s fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables being grown there. AFP PHOTO/Mark RALSTON (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Most people take water for granted, but without water, you can’t:

    • Drink.

    • Clean dishes or clothes or anything.

    • Bathe.

    • Flush the toilet.

    • Grow anything.

    • Put out fires.

    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Most people can’t face the awful reality of this situation. Don’t be like them. Don’t be emotional. Be independent. Focus on survival. Move now.
    Only 11% is used by private people! Ducks have more rights than you do!
    This is a criminal situation because, in addition to the wetland usage, they could have prevented much of this IF they had not wasted water on wetlands and started planning 20+ years ago (eg desalination plants, aqueducts from Canada, using the Cycloniser) and started severe water and building restrictions years ago – but they never did, and now is too late, because 39 million people and farmers use a massive amount of water, and California is about to become a desert. The water restrictions that were not applied until 2015 are too little, too late.
    2.6 million illegal aliens in California is not helping matters. Why can’t they be shipped back, along with the others who make a total 11 million illegals in the USA? What part of “illegal” is hard to understand? How about sending them home and stopping more from entering, like President Eisenhower did?
    Is this a plan to buy up all of California cheaply, after everyone leaves?
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! California-drought-Oroville-Lake-reservoir
    Houseboats are moored on a shrinking arm of the Oroville Lake reservoir which is now at less than 25 percent capacity as a severe drought continues to affect California on May 24, 2015. California has recently announced sweeping statewide water restrictions for the first time in history in order to combat the region’s devastating drought, the worst since records began. AFP PHOTO/ MARK RALSTON (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    The lack of water is the only reason you need to know why you should leave. But if you need more reasons to help you move, here are a few:

    • High unemployment.

    • Absurd housing prices (until people realize the water is not coming back).

    • High taxes.

    • Rise in violent Crime.

    • Traffic.

    • Pollution.

    • Oppressive government, massive red tape.

    • School legislations that go against people’s religious beliefs.

    • Overpopulation.

    • Quality of the neighbourhood deteriorating.

    • Broke municipalities slashing services. eg In Oakland the police chief announced at one point that his department would no longer respond to certain crimes. The list of crimes included grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism. Today, Oakland is considered the 5th most violent city in the United States.

    • Broke counties. eg: Orange County Employees Retirement System is estimated to have a 10 billion dollar unfunded pension liability. (How does a single county dig a 10 billion dollar hole?)

    • The coming big earthquake.

    • Illegal aliens draining state revenue & causing other problems.

    • Hospitals closing. California ranks dead last of all 50 states in the number of Emergency Rooms per million people.

    • Forced vaccinations are coming for all school children, even private, since they rigged the voting. And homeschooling in California is very unfriendly.

    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Hundreds of thousands of Smart, Wealthy people have already left, as you can see in this map:
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! Interstate_migration

    [size=30]Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer[/size]

    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    There are 38.8 million people in California. There are an average 2.6 people per household. That’s 10,700,000 million one-way truck rentals. In 365 days that’s 29,000 a day, IF people start moving now. But since most won’t move till the last, say, 3 months, that’s really 116,000 truck trips a day. There will be massive truck shortages.
    You’ve seen those videos of refugees walking out of countries in Africa. You may yet see the same thing for California.
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! Uhaul
    U-Haul Prices 6/18/15:
    Denver to Los Angeles = $985
    Los Angeles to Denver = $2,273
    Difference: $1,288
    Here’s another one:
    Atlanta to Los Angeles: $1,112
    Los Angeles to Atlanta: $3,582!!!
    Difference: $2,470
    What will the prices be when The Exodus really gets going?
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! California-drought-part-of-New-Melones-Lake-Reservoir
    A dried up section of the New Melones Lake reservoir is seen which is now at less than 20 percent capacity as a severe drought continues to affect California on May 26, 2015. California has recently announced sweeping statewide water restrictions for the first time in history in order to combat the region’s devastating drought, the worst since records began. AFP PHOTO/ MARK RALSTON (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)
    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! 10X10-white-spacer
    Freak out early and you might still be able to sell and leave. But if you delay, you’ll be among the last people holding near-worthless property. Don’t be the last to turn out the light.
    When 30 million people want a job in another state, how will they get one? (Assuming some households need two people to work).
    When 15 million new homes are needed, where will they be?
    If you leave your move too late, it won’t be just that you can’t sell your property for more than next to nothing, you won’t even be able to get a rental moving truck.
    California, it seems, is reverting back to a barren desert. Meanwhile, far too many of the people who live in California remain in a state of absolute denial over where this is all headed.
    Hence the coming wave of recently-bankrupt California water refugees who will flood into neighboring states seeking water, low-cost housing, jobs and/or free entitlements. That’s not gonna win friends in neighboring states, trust me. If you’re living in California right now, I urge you to strongly consider where things are really headed and start making a realistic list of your options.

    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    Escape California Now – While You Still Can! Empty Re: Escape California Now – While You Still Can!

    Post by Neno Thu 18 Jun 2015, 8:08 pm

    WOW! they need what more than what Texas just got over the past 6 weeks. I hope for them cause I truly don't really want them here unless it is a have too.

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 4:52 pm