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    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (25)

    Admin Assist
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    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (25)  Empty The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (25)

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Mar 2013, 12:34 pm

    The report of the Office of Financial Supervision (25)

    03/18/2013 (00:01 pm)

     Baghdad / term
    Central unaware of the weight of ours from "gold bullion" .. And cabinets with pearls and precious stones is not known for it .. And "treasure of Nimrod" strips only last year
    I got the "long" the full text of the report of the Office of Financial Supervision for the first quarter of 2012 which will be put on the reader countless surprises through the rings. Diwan of the most prestigious institutions of the Iraqi state. In this report, the Group has unique advantages, the first being that it reveals information disaster level of government departments all diary, which appears to the public for the first time and is being presented in a language professional legal and audit and review meet and comparisons include previous years. The second advantage that he did not come from the party against party or bloc against another, but written by a crew staff and find wide acceptance, and respected by the Prime Minister himself. The third advantage is that the BSA through his powers can be up to most of the information documented by the media can not be accessed with this right of access to him in a democratic system, but is deprived of access to this information to Parliament. The quarterly report and also reader will notice, expressly involves large, which is a high recognition in the absence of the state in the terrifying details led us to these poor conditions. The state, through this report, acknowledges that within large areas of "non-state", and these spaces begin serious circles as a Council of Ministers, and does not end when the smallest village, as seen Followers of these episodes.
    We will find out successively before the full story of the Iraqi state during the first quarter of 2012, or "The Story of non-state in Iraq," if you like.
    B - the Directorate General of issuance and cabinets
    First - assets of the Central Bank of Iraq of gold
    The inventory of gold bullion where she appeared under the actual inventory (348) alloy and was identical with the statement of assets and appeared to have the notes below: -
    (1) The gross weight installed in the detection and adult (4/11, 035), a weight is real as through the study of detection analytical alloys for the year / 2007 shows that this weight of alloy per and net weight under detection analytical (17/4274809) kg.
    (2) through the inventory of the contents of the gold bars Fund shows that it contains gold bullion and ore bag containing pearls and precious stones and a bag containing the gold dust.
    (3) showed audit disclosed the total treasury gold and secretariats of the year / 2009 that secretariats custody bank was installed within the detection deposits kind custody bank (deposit) has been installed remarkable it belongs to the bank any part of the bank's assets of gold note that the Directorate had replied to our note (as The inventory of all the assets of gold and secretariats and there appeared to be assets owned by the bank and did not appear in the accounting records have not been evaluated and shown within gold reserves), although it does not exist any documents or priorities in favor of the ownership of these assets to the bank.
    Requires us Baloliat that prove ownership of these assets to the bank and the use of a dedicated cadre to ensure the quality of gems and weight and accurately assessed.
    (4) showed scrutiny revealed the bank's assets for the year / 2010 and included two boxes containing samples of jewelry donated where he appeared in the paragraph concerning trusts deposited with the bank in the detection / 2009 where there is no support these contents of safety deposit to the bank's assets and our doing so what follows: -
    (A) No inventory of their contents in detail for many of those contents from the jewelry and diversity in terms of shapes, sizes and type of metal, which requires the formation of a specialized committee to make sure the contents of the boxes and install it in detail to make sure the type of metal and evaluation assets within the fund.
    (B) have been observed detection (Secret) within one of the two is a table with a total gold jewelry and gold on 11/20/1985 prove the total weight of the fund and details of jewellry and number and the estimated value and the notes, note that the disclosure contains sequences (10) Funds and Fund No. (13) However, the existing two funds only to those eyes of jewelry has answered the central bank (that installation process numbers on the funds can not be relied upon the basic principle is what is included of the vertebrae in the detection of assets which are inventory in light of, and numbers installed on the funds to deduce and it does not There are other funds as stated in the note) and the opinion of the regulatory body (the audit is through inference on things that numbers installed in the statements within the funds is a presumption inferred things to prove a point of view in the audit, and it deem it necessary for accuracy in the preparation of statements and verification of Multi sequences own funds referred to disclose inside one of the two), which refers to the possibility that there are other funds have been disposed of earlier, and that disclosure does not represent the contents of these funds, which requires not acting inventory any secretariat by the CBI solo If there is no documents and documents that support its ownership to the bank.
    (5) have been stripped box containing diamonds weighing of $ (796.4) g is not installed true weight of the diamond and its quality that it needs to be experts in this field and contains the Fund gold jewelry and pearls unsorted and evaluation, noting that the committee formed in the bank The installed weight on the bag without sorting its contents.
    Secondly - Deposit in the Central Bank of Iraq
    (1) The results of audit disclosure provided by the Directorate and the private contents of treasury gold and secretariats of the year / 2010 and compare it with the detection of the same Treasury for the year 2009 / observed not to install all the paragraphs on the contents of the Treasury of the secretariats of gold within detection / 2010, which indicates a state confusion and inaccuracies and lack of control over the contents of the Treasury, which requires accuracy in the preparation of these statements of the importance of these assets and the secretariats and the consequent obligations to various parties.
    (2) the presence of (6) metal boxes containing (the effects of Nimrud treasure (gold)) appeared only within the disclosure at the end of the fiscal year did not appear within the of former Akoshvin for the years (2010.2009) note that this is not installed On receipt of funds despite the initial and there are some priorities that indicate their presence in the coffers of the Bank in 2003 / and some evidence suggests deposited before that date, which requires the investigation of the date of receipt of the preliminary secretariat and installed in the records in the light of what is obtained from documents referring to it.
    (3) that the Commission of the Central Bank to open a number of boxes deposited in the Treasury and counted and placed in boxes ferrous note that break secretariats and promise is in violation of Article (1) of the Act money management belonging to entities defunct No. (21) for the year / 2005 on the basis of ownership of these assets devolve to the Ministry of Finance as it did not obtain the approval of the Ministry of Finance and the lack of representation of the ministry on the committee that was formed for the purpose of the inventory of those boxes.
    (4) the presence of ([You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] boxes containing (private funds) have been opened by the Commission's central bank but it is not installed content and sorted note that one of these funds found inside ([You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] bags ore contains some of the assets of gold, have not installed these funds within the disclosure provided by the Directorate your assets the bank and deposit deposited for the year / 2010, have not installed these funds as proven as deposited by the Directorate General of issuance and cabinets and there is no support its ownership to the bank or other destinations, which requires the provision of primitives that refer to ownership of these funds and take the necessary measures to inventory and install its contents in detail and accuracy in the preparation of statements.

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