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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for the powers: the Abadi begin sacking corrupt ministers coming days

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Deputy for the powers: the Abadi begin sacking corrupt ministers coming days Empty Deputy for the powers: the Abadi begin sacking corrupt ministers coming days

    Post by day dreamer Fri 07 Aug 2015, 2:39 pm

    Deputy for the powers: the Abadi begin sacking corrupt ministers coming days

     are unknown 2015/8/7 21:50
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    MP from the Union of National Forces, Ahmed al-Mashhadani, the prime minister Haider al-Abadi to start "immediately sack corrupt ministers".

     He said al-Mashhadani told all of Iraq [where] "the Abadi start of the day to come out bold decisions, even if intercepted or rejected any force or political figure in the sacking of corrupt ministers, and these decisions courage and level of challenge that exists today in order to do justice to the people street is boiling to the lack of services and electricity ". 
    He called for "sacking of corrupt ministers and Abadi take this decision The opportunity is still in front of him exclusively" noting that "the dismissal of any minister of any bloc was not Atstia one then blame him, especially since the Prime Minister when he came to Parliament such as composition of the current government asked the blocs to nominate people can be consistent and deal with them. "
    He said al-Mashhadani, "The stage today and got to liken eventually hope of Abadi to take bold and courageous that day decisions and we are supportive to him and the case does not bear possibly next Friday (I think that means this) Flanaraf what will happen, especially since the country is in crisis and the war on terror and there occupied provinces of terrorists and he has to head starts Ministers real and effective and realistic change and bring out the corrupt ministers from his government. " 
    And went out on popular demonstrations in Baghdad and several provinces to protest against poor services and corruption, as confirmed by the Supreme religious authority, today the people's right to demonstrate to demand their legitimate rights, loaded with the parties in power responsible for the problems of the country, as demanded by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi take steps "more courageous and daring" in the fight against corruption.
    For his part, al-Abadi announced its commitment to the directives reference vowing to announce a comprehensive plan of reform and work to implement them, calling the political forces to cooperate with him in the implementation of the reform program ".anthy 2

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    Last edited by day dreamer on Fri 07 Aug 2015, 2:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Deputy for the powers: the Abadi begin sacking corrupt ministers coming days Empty Call: reference mass Abadi gave the green light to reveal spoilers

    Post by day dreamer Fri 07 Aug 2015, 2:48 pm

    Call: reference mass Abadi gave the green light to reveal spoilers

    [ltr] 2015/8/7 17:34[/ltr]
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     [Baghdad - where] 
    Chairman of the call bloc behind Abdul Samad, said that "the religious authority gave Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a green light to expose the spoilers of the political blocs."

    Said Abdul Samad said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where], a copy of "quotas political consensus government miserably failed to achieve reform, it has to be to stop corruption and extensibility and rebellion against the central government by some political blocs, today changed the data and defeated quotas and consensus Political replaced by the principle of the right man in the right place, as well as for decisions. "
    Abadi and called for a "coup against every deviant controls that the government was forced to undergo her in the past," adding that "the reference gave the green light to the prime minister and put the ball in the stadium, to show spoilers and the conspirators of all the political blocs that want control of the state institution, so you should detection of the Iraqi street, even if conflicted with close political agreement. " 
    He said Abdul Samad said that "the masses will stand with the Prime Minister in his own decisions to expel the corrupt government of the interface, and the indomitable resolve of the people no matter how it came together the political blocs."
    The supreme religious authority has called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi Friday "to be more daring and courage in his steps reformist and seeks that the government take important decisions and strict procedures in the field of anti-corruption and social justice will smite with an iron fist from tampering with people's money, and works to abolish privileges and provisions unacceptable awarded to current and former officials as the country has modern repeat them. "
    The representative of the reference Ahmed net in his Friday sermon today that "required of him [Abadi] to put the political forces in front of their responsibility and indicates from hampering the reform process whatever at any site was for him to exceed the quotas partisan and sectarian and the like for the sake of state institutions, reform." 
    The net also called on the prime minister to "seek to appoint the right person in the right place and did not belong to any of the parties in power and regardless of sectarian and ethnic affiliation and Enzdd of the removal of the ICON in the right place and that was supported by some political forces and do not fear rejection and opposition supported in that the Almighty God who ordered the administration of justice and decent people who want to do so and thus supported and supported in achieving this. " 
    In a quick response Abadi announced full commitment to the guidance value supreme religious authority that expressed the concerns and aspirations of the Iraqi people, "vowing to" announce a comprehensive plan of reform and work on the implementation and calls for the political forces to cooperate with him in the implementation of the reform program. "
    It is likely to come out this evening in Baghdad and other provinces popular demonstrations to protest against poor services and lack of power and corruption in the institutions Ath.anthy

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