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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliament will vote on three bills discussed again today


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Parliament will vote on three bills discussed again today Empty Parliament will vote on three bills discussed again today

    Post by wciappetta Tue 27 Oct 2015, 5:29 am

    Parliament will vote on three bills discussed again today

    10/27/2015 10:48

    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    Iraqi Council of Representatives held on Tuesday, 32 of its first legislative term of the second legislative year, while the meeting will vote on two bills the first reading of three draft laws.

    It said the information department of the parliament in a statement received by, the (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The House of Representatives will be held today, 32 of the first legislative term of the second legislative year session," indicating that "the agenda of the meeting includes a vote on the draft second amendment to the law of the investment law No. 13 of 2006, and vote on the draft national law of the card. (Commission on Security and Defense. "

    Information department said that "the meeting will also see the first reading of the draft law on ratification of the Economic and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait Convention on the Law, and the first reading of the draft accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on the Law for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships of 1973, and the first reading of the draft Fourth Amendment to the Law Aviation Law Civil No. (148) of 1974, and discuss the issue of the integration of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities with the Ministry of Culture. "

    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq lifted, on Monday, (October 19, 2015), the 31st session of the first legislative term of the second legislative year to the day Tuesday, after the vote on the draft law and an end to read the bills.

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    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4

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