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    Finance: Iraq will receive more than a billion dollars loan from the International Monetary Fund


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Finance: Iraq will receive more than a billion dollars loan from the International Monetary Fund Empty Finance: Iraq will receive more than a billion dollars loan from the International Monetary Fund

    Post by Lobo Wed 25 Nov 2015, 1:35 pm

    Wednesday, November 25, 2015 14:56

    Finance: Iraq will receive more than a billion dollars loan from the International Monetary Fund

     Baghdad News  ... revealed the Ministry of Finance, said on Wednesday that Iraq will take over one billion and $ 200 million loan from the International Monetary Fund. While confirming that the 2016 budget will provide the country the popular crowd and requirements.

    Said Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari during a joint news conference with the governor of Karbala, Akil Turaihi and chairman of the province of Karbala Nassif rhetoric in the governorate building and attended / Baghdadi News /, said that "Iraq is not bankrupt nor poor but requires cooperation and good use and recruitment of Iraqi funds," noting that "the Council Ministers held last Tuesday an amendment to the budget in 2016 and sent to Parliament and will be discussed soon. "

    Zebari said that "the 2016 practical and realistic budget and believes the country requirements of the ration card and health services and obligations with the oil companies."

    He stressed that "the government remains on its obligations to provide formations crowd the popular financial requirements."

    The minister continued that "the International Monetary Fund does not have any requirements on Iraq to give him financial loans but has a program to assist Iraq in the financial management and the economy, and this has helped us in that we get soft loans from some international organizations," revealing that "Iraq will take over soon billion and $ 200 million as a soft loan from the International Monetary Fund.

    He explained that "the government responded to the protests by staff on the ladder of the new salary and took some consensus," noting that "the reduction will be on the nominal salary of the employee only and will have limited effect."

    He pointed out that "there are a lot of problems related to the staff of temporary contracts in all provinces and there are no solutions for them at the moment," noting that "The ministry encourages provinces to work under the transfer of powers, and we give them some powers in the collection of local funds."

    With regard to the burning of flags, the minister explained that "The conduct is unacceptable and practices condemned and abnormal and we condemn strongly It must be emphasized on the peaceful coexistence of the fact that Iraq for all Iraqis," pointing out that "the religious authority has been credited with the first consolidation of this co-existence."

    He pointed out that "the Ministry of Finance in the province of Karbala service while maintaining our research and what can be supplied from these funds in accordance with the Civil possible in light of the country's financial crisis government."

    And that "his visit to Karbala carry a political message confirming the national cohesion."

    The minister stressed that "the funds released by real and realistic long-institution" that washing files, calling on the Iraqi judiciary to "follow up the files of corruption and issuing orders to them."

    And that "everyone is working on the fight against financial and administrative corruption after obtaining the support of the masses and the religious authority".
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