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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen e

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen e Empty Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen e

    Post by day dreamer Wed 16 Dec 2015, 9:22 am

    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen expanded
    [ltr] 2015/12/16[/ltr]
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      {Baghdad: Euphrates News} parliamentary finance committee on Wednesday confirmed that the 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen.
    The head of the Finance Committee Faleh in force in a joint conference with members of the Committee and head of the House of Representatives was held in the House of Representatives, and was attended by the correspondent of the agency {Euphrates News} on Wednesday after the completion of the vote on the budget in 2016 by saying that 2016 budget took into consideration all the important aspects that serve the citizens. 
    For his part, House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, "The 2016 budget has in record time but it is a great effort by the parliamentary finance committee, which was given great flexibility to the government; for the purpose of disposal, as has been to identify the amounts," noting that in turn congratulate the Iraqi people, the adoption of the budget and seeking investigators and to the aspirations of the people of our dear country. 
    The parliamentary Finance Committee member Ahmed Massari said that "the parliamentary Finance has actively work in more than a month, and put their priorities in the displaced file, and the liberalization of the occupied territories and put the necessary appropriations."
    He said he has been allocated an amount of more than 1 trillion for the displaced are distributed monthly grant for displaced families across the smart card. " 
    He said he has also been exaggerated development of the regions and provinces to the provinces controlled by gangs Daash allocation; to act for the displaced, and restoring stability to the displaced families. 
    And he has between the electrodes and the redeployment of the Ministry of Commerce National card allocations to the provinces of Nineveh, Anbar, territories and regions in Salahuddin; the provinces in order to distribute the displaced families in the form of coupons and food items. 
      He continued by saying "was installed total number of adherents in the popular crowd of the sons of the areas controlled by Daash; to participate in the editing process their areas usurped and select 30% of the volunteers of our children in the popular crowd; in order to be of the people of the areas controlled by the terrorist Daash, and participate in the process of liberalization of the usurped territories. " Ended tc

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen e Empty Re: Parliamentary Finance: 2016 budget included all the important aspects that serve the Iraqi citizen e

    Post by weslin3 Wed 16 Dec 2015, 9:49 am

    Wonderful news... Now we wait to see if they follow through....

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