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    Turkish official for "Voice of America": Iraq is unable to get us out of Bashiqa

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    Turkish official for "Voice of America": Iraq is unable to get us out of Bashiqa Empty Turkish official for "Voice of America": Iraq is unable to get us out of Bashiqa

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Jan 2016, 10:58 am

    Turkish official for "Voice of America": Iraq is unable to get us out of Bashiqa


    What controversy over the presence of Turkish troops and tanks in Iraq continues to deepen more and more, where Baghdad has accused Ankara of reneging on an agreement to withdraw its troops from the country and threaten military action. While Ankara has rejected these warnings despite international pressure and insists that the force sent is to protect the forces that are training recruits to fight Daash. 
    In a warning to Ankara, Iraqi officials said Baghdad was if they were forced to fight in defense of the sovereignty of Iraq, they will do so. Threat comes in conjunction with claim Baghdad Ankara to withdraw its troops and tanks sent to a training camp in Bashiqa north of the country, however, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu rejected the threat, saying that the Iraqi forces to focus on Daash. 
    He says Sinan Oolgan, a researcher at the Carnegie Endowment in Brussels, the Ankara no intention to change its position despite the threat of Baghdad, where he said "the Prime Minister Davutoglu has said that Turkey will maintain its military presence in implementation of the agreement with the KRG authorities, and that the alleged Baghdad that has the final say on sending Turkish troops can be taken on the assumption that it controls the territory. But We know there are many parts of the Iraqi territory are not within the control of Baghdad. "In turn he says Aidan Slsin, the Turkish Consul General in Erbil, said Ankara sure that Baghdad is will drop" First and foremost is not in their interest to pay an important neighbor and a member of NATO to the outside Bashiqa, and secondly they have no capacity to do so anyway, "Baghdad .otaattalaa to international pressure, as Washington called on Ankara to withdraw its troops, a position supported by the Arab League. But the analyst Oolgan says that the main factor behind Ankara solid position is the belief that Tehran is behind the Baghdad proceedings. 
    Where Oolgan said, "The response Baghdad reaction fueled by statements of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who is acting, as Turkish authorities say under the influence of Tehran." 
    Ankara and Tehran support the parties competing in the Syrian civil war, and is now expanding to compete with the region as a whole. As Tehran also cooperate with Moscow, which is characterized by tense relations with Ankara. Slsin diplomat warns that the deepening tensions with Baghdad may cause a major crisis for Ankara a "very tense circumstances, and there are many different moving parts to Ankara assembled." But Oolgan says that the Turkish political leadership is determined to prevent its competitors out and have a say in determining the future of the region.
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