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    US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe

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    US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe   Empty US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe

    Post by Rocky Wed 06 Jan 2016, 7:24 am

    US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe  


    Newspaper, "The Washington Post" of America, Wednesday, about the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe, stressing that the International Organization for Migration helped 779 Iraqis to return from Europe to Iraq in November last
    The newspaper added that "the Iraqi and international authorities to confirm the growing number of Iraqis returning from Europe, and was returning a person went to Sweden in the grueling month-long trip, where the desire to return to the homeland."
    She drew the International Organization for Migration that it "helped 779 Iraqis to return from Europe to Iraq in November last year, a figure more than doubled compared with earlier months, these figures do not include spontaneous returnees".
    The paper points out that "many have chosen to return to Iraq because of the frustration and disappointment amid the lack of job opportunities, and perhaps because of homesickness, while others returned because of the rejection of their asylum claims."
    She said "Some people are returning to Iraq voluntarily, but there are European countries such as Finland and Belgium coming from Baghdad, warned and threatened not to access to asylum automatically."
    For his part, says Sattar Nowruz, a spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Immigration, "There are thousands of Iraqis who have returned, and there are thousands wish to return," adding that "the Iraqi embassies in Europe strives to provide emergency travel documents for returnees."
    He added that "many of the small Iraqi youth he wanted to go to Europe last summer, and arrived about 80 thousand Iraqis there, some of them have been returned because of what they have suffered from violence."
    To that, the head of policy at Caritas Europe Shannon Bfuman, said that "some authorities provided a return request, which means they will not get asylum, not a job, they will not be in the picture in general," explaining that "35 thousand refugees and immigrants left Europe since the beginning of the year until the month of November. "

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    US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe   Empty Re: US newspaper reveal the reasons for the return of Iraqi immigrants from Europe

    Post by Lobo Wed 06 Jan 2016, 9:23 am

    Interesting article, thanks Rocky. I would think that a lot of Iraqis would be returning now that ISIS is on the run.

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