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    US raid targeted a building that contains millions of Daash central Mosul funds

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    US raid targeted a building that contains millions of Daash central Mosul funds  Empty US raid targeted a building that contains millions of Daash central Mosul funds

    Post by day dreamer Mon 11 Jan 2016, 10:11 pm

    US raid targeted a building that contains millions of Daash central Mosul funds

    [ltr] 2016/1/11 23:58[/ltr]
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    Two sources revealed the US Department of Defense [Pentagon] on the implementation of the US Air Force to strike on a building contains a huge amount of organization Daash funds in the city of Mosul, northern Iraq.
    And between the two sources in a press statement, the strike has using two bombs, each weighing 2000 pounds [nearly 908 kg] which led to the destruction of the entire building, without clarifying the way they have been identified in which the nature of this building. 
    Sources did not eclipse the currency, which was inside the building or on the exact amount, however, one of the sources said it was "millions" and was used by the organization for payment and fund operations and combatants. 
    It is noteworthy that the United States considered such a strike very sensitive as there are civilians near the building, where the drones flying remained and monitors the site for days in order to determine the most appropriate time for the targeting of who carried out the dawn Alohd.anthy

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      Current date/time is Sun 26 Jan 2025, 5:11 am