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    U.S reaffirms its support to resolve the disputes between Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    U.S reaffirms its support to resolve the disputes between Baghdad  Empty U.S reaffirms its support to resolve the disputes between Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Wed 27 Mar 2013, 7:13 am

    U.S reaffirms its support to resolve the disputes between Baghdad and Arbil.

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    27/03/2013 09:46:00

    Washington / NINA / The United States confirmed its support to resolve disputes between the central government and the Kurdistan region on the issue of oil exports, according to the Iraqi constitution, rejected strongly the export of Iraqi oil without the approval of the central government.

    The U.S. State Department's spokesman, Patrick Ventral said in a press conference today 27. March that "The United States reiterates its firm position on the issue of Iraqi oil exports to resolve disputes between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on the basis of the constitution."

    He added that Washington "does not support exporting Iraqi oil in any form and from any region of Iraq without the approval of the central government."

    He urged the central government and the Kurdistan region to dialogue in order to reach agreement on legislations relating oil wealth because of its positive effects on the investment in Iraq.

    On inspection Iran's flights to Syria, he said that "Foreign Minister John Kerry has urged the Iraqi government to take all responsible measures to ensure not to use its territory and airspace to direct foreign fighters, weapons to the Assad's regime. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of continued cooperation and coordination with Iraq in solving the Syrian crisis. "/ end

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