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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Citizen critical of the three authorities not to apply the policy of reforms

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

      Citizen critical of the three authorities not to apply the policy of reforms Empty Citizen critical of the three authorities not to apply the policy of reforms

    Post by Rocky Thu 14 Jan 2016, 4:04 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Citizen critical of the three authorities not to apply the policy of reforms

    date: Thursday 01.14.2016 0:31

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    / Baghdad / Baghdad news 
    demanded citizen block the federal government, on Wednesday, except for those with 
    the martyrs of the popular crowd of duties and taxes during their review of institutions and government departments, while political criticized followed by three legislative, executive and judicial authorities not to apply the reforms, indicating that the political executive in the stall aims to maintain the large whales corruption. 
    The MP said the citizen's bloc in Babil province, Mohammed Ali al-Masoudi in a statement: "International Baghdad," received a copy of it, that "the sacrifices made ​​by the martyrs Alhacdalhobei deserve our respect and appreciation," he said, adding that "the mass of citizens House of Representatives Iraq will submit this request to be incorporated into the agenda of the Council. 
    "He added that" demand will also exempt their children from wages evening and graduate studies in public universities and obliging civil ones by reducing wages, "pointing out that" the security that we enjoy now up to the sacrifices offered by the sons of the crowd started popular. 
    "For his part, MP from the bloc Mohammed Allkash said in a statement:" Baghdad News "received a copy of it, that" political procrastination followed by the three authorities not to apply the dirty political reforms. 
    "He explained that the" political executive power in the stall designed to gain time and to keep on the big whales corruption. 
    "The representative of the supreme religious authority in holy city of Karbala, Ahmed Safi said during a sermon last Friday prayers that" in the past year and over the past several months we have called in Friday sermons three authorities, and all those responsible to take serious steps in the reform process real, and the achievement of social justice, anti-corruption, and prosecute senior corrupt and corrupt, but the year has passed and nothing has clearly achieved on the ground, and this is deeply regrettable, but Anzid to this talk at the present time. "

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