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    Latino Fox News contributor: ‘Ted Cruz is not a natural born American, and neither am I’


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Latino Fox News contributor: ‘Ted Cruz is not a natural born American, and neither am I’ Empty Latino Fox News contributor: ‘Ted Cruz is not a natural born American, and neither am I’

    Post by Lobo Thu 14 Jan 2016, 8:14 pm

    Latino Fox News contributor: ‘Ted Cruz is not a natural born American, and neither am I’
    Fox News Latino contributor Rick Sanchez made a case this week that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was not eligible to serve as president of the United States because he is not a “natural born” citizen as the Constitution requires.

    In a column for Fox News Latino, Sanchez declared that “Ted Cruz is not a natural born American, and neither am I.”

    “He was born in Canada. Period,” Sanchez wrote. “His parents weren’t there because they needed to be. They were there because they wanted to be. Ted Cruz, by the letter and spirit of the law, cannot be president!”

    Sanchez explained that he also had dreams of becoming president.

    “Unfortunately, the law says I, Rick Sanchez, cannot be President of the United States,” he observed. “Most immigrants realize that when the moment they become naturalized — that it’s the one thing you simply can’t achieve.”

    “Now along comes Senator Ted Cruz who seems to be saying, ‘I know I wasn’t born here, but guess what — I want to change the rules, I want it all,'” the former CNN anchor continued. “The problem for Ted Cruz is that we know what the spirit and letter of the law says… Common sense says ‘being born in the United States’ means just what it says.”

    Sanchez noted that Cruz’s parents had voted in Canadian elections, which requires citizenship in Canada.

    “It’s pretty simple, if Eleanor and Rafael Cruz were eligible to vote according to the Canadian election board, that means they were Canadian citizens,” he insisted. “Did you hear that? They were Canadian citizens, not American citizens. And that makes Ted Cruz’s argument about being a natural American citizen at the very least arguable. After all, he was likely born to Canadian citizens.”

    “That’s a problem — a serious one at that for a man wanting to be president. Sorry Ted, as a fellow Cuban American, I feel your pain.”

    Newsweek reported this week that a “growing number of constitutional law scholars are arguing that Ted Cruz’s birth in Canada makes him ineligible to become president.”

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 11:28 am