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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A senior source reveals names covered by the ministerial change and

    Admin Assist
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     A senior source reveals names covered by the ministerial change and  Empty A senior source reveals names covered by the ministerial change and

    Post by Rocky Tue 19 Jan 2016, 4:20 pm

    [size=30]A senior source reveals names covered by the ministerial change and independent bodies[/size]
    19/01/2016 06:28 | Number of Views: 2909
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    A senior government source revealed, all names covered by the ministerial change in the independent bodies.
    The source confirmed the existence of a forthcoming cabinet reshuffle, but after consultations between now prime minister Haider al-Abadi with heads of political blocs and then this will be a change. "
    He explained that "this change includes the replacement of Interior Minister Mohammed Badr Ghabban Prime parliamentary bloc Qassim al-Araji, changing the finance minister, Hoshyar Zebari, Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways Almrhq".
    The source continued "is also being the replacement of and Minister of of Industry and Minerals Mohammed the owner of al-Darraji with the Minister Municipalities in the previous government a just Mhodr, and it Cancel the post of and Minister of Transport Baqir al-Zubaidi and the integration of and his ministry with and Ministry of Communications and the survival of and its minister Hassan Al-Rashed".
    He pointed to "change the Minister of Health and Environment Adila Hammoud other candidate through mass belong to the same block call a doctor," pointing out that "the rest of the ministers in the government of al-Abadi will remain their posts."
    According to the source, "the inclusion of independent bodies such change," noting that "the head of the Hajj and Umrah Agency Khalid al-Attiyah will be replaced by a candidate from the Sadrist movement Ali Smeisim, and change in Media Network Manager and Communications Abdul-Jabbar Carp The head of Trustees body on Alfalh or body member Mujahid Abu Hail" .
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