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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jihad: increase the production of oil derivatives linked to the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Jihad: increase the production of oil derivatives linked to the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery Empty Jihad: increase the production of oil derivatives linked to the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Jan 2016, 8:25 am

    Jihad: increase the production of oil derivatives linked to the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery

    January 22, 2016

    [size=13][size=14][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Our economy / Baghdad
    Linked to the Oil Ministry to increase production of oil derivatives to the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery and returning to work as a cover half the country's need of derivatives.
    According to a spokesman for the Oil Ministry, Assem Jihad, he said in a statement seen by the agency of our economy news that "Iraq will depend on the production of oil derivatives on the central and southern refineries after the Baiji refinery stopped," adding that "the Baiji refinery was blocked more than half of Iraq's need of derivatives; but Despite the security and economic difficulties of the ministry it has been able to provide a large part of the needs of the country during the Iraqi refineries. " 
    "The ministry is the import of certain derivatives that can not be provided, especially the needs of the Ministry of electricity, as well as the import of gasoline (high octane) and to provide high-quality quality." 
    "The high production of oil derivatives depends on the Baiji refinery return to work, and that will reduce the import of derivatives operation." 
    On the rehabilitation of the Baiji refinery in northern Salahuddin measures which have been freed from the hands of terrorist Daash gangs recently Jihad said that "technical and engineering teams are assessing the damage at the refinery and put a plan and there are priorities to start operations Rehabilitation It is possible to run units gradually," noting "the need for time and allocations Finance, "stressing" the ministry's intention to speed up the rehabilitation process. "

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