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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Beirut: the opening of the first scientific forum to network Iraqi economists

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    Beirut: the opening of the first scientific forum to network Iraqi economists  Empty Beirut: the opening of the first scientific forum to network Iraqi economists

    Post by Rocky Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:05 pm

    Beirut: the opening of the first scientific forum to network Iraqi economists


    Beirut - Laith Mohammed Reza
    Opened Economic Forum First Scientific Network of Iraqi economists, its Saturday, at the Dubai Airport Dunes in Beirut, in the presence of Omar Barzanji Iraqi Ambassador in Lebanon, along with Sinan Mohammed Rida Al-Shabibi, Governor of the Central Bank of the former Iraqi, good-Janabi, Iraq's ambassador Permanent Organization Nutrition and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as well as members of the House of Representatives, amid an extended engagement of experts and national economic competencies residing within the country and abroad.
    Forum involving "world" began work on his first day with an opening in which he stressed Superficial inch, general coordinator of the network, the need to "seek to spread the culture of economic ties between citizens in general and among politicians in particular, with the support of cadres economic and especially emerging them and encouraging them to scientific research" , noting that "the network when it was established successfully, attracting more than 50 distinct economic efficiencies that have extensive practical experience on the regional and international level."
    Founded network Iraqi economists end of the year 2009, as an initiative of a number of economists expatriates, to reunite experts and economic efficiencies scattered in various countries, and in cooperation and close coordination with colleagues at home, in order to "lay a basis for reference economic scientific help to prepare for the decision political and economic rational."
    Inch noted that "a number of our colleagues present at the forum, are those who participated in the building of the Iraqi economy during the era of the sixties and seventies and even the nineties of the last century and then were forced to emigrate due to the centrifugal factors."
    Inch, who described forum Balawl of its kind after 2003, called "economic decision-makers, to listen and to take advantage of the expertise offered by the network, some employed in building the modern state of institutions in the area of ​​our specialties professional."
    The first day of the forum, shed 9 lectures included presentations and in-depth discussions.
    And turns Walid Khadduri, a journalist Economic veteran, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, former Vice-President, in a lecture on "structural Iraqi economy and issue rentier, as barriers to achieving sustainable development", followed by Ali Mirza, economic adviser, then Hassan al-Janabi, Iraq's ambassador to the Permanent Organization Nutrition and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), where he gave a lecture on "strategy to combat desertification and sustainable development in the Green Belt Project National", to come full role Adhadh former advisor with the ESCWA, which lectured about "structural Iraqi economy and issue rentier, obstacles to achieving sustainable development ".
    As I talked lecture Hashim Ali, international economic advisor, "Strategies for balanced development in the provinces," came a lecture Laith Mohammed Reza economic researcher - CFTC "world", "the crisis of development and relationship crisis citizenship".
    And concluded first day of the forum, after lectures both Farhang Jalal, a consultant in the affairs of the Industrial Development "features of development in a number of economic sectors in the province of Kurdistan," and Muzaffar Jabri, Professor of Architecture, who presented a lecture on "economics and policies housing construction and complexes residential ", before followed by Zaid Abdul-Hadi grain of his lecture on" the use of modern technologies in the development of databases and economic information in Iraq. "

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