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    Diyala province demanding receipt of ration card file of the Ministry of Commerce

    Admin Assist
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    Diyala province demanding receipt of ration card file of the Ministry of Commerce Empty Diyala province demanding receipt of ration card file of the Ministry of Commerce

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Mar 2013, 9:48 am

    Diyala province demanding receipt of ration card file of the Ministry of Commerce

    March 31, 2013 in economic

    Diyala - Iraq News Network: Diyala province demanded receipt ration card file of the Ministry of Commerce attributed to fluctuations in the provision and distribution of the ration card over the previous years. The Basra Provincial Council had announced the end of last year that the Ministry of Commerce has agreed to maintain receipt of authorization file ration card.

    The governor of Diyala, Omar Aziz said in a statement that "ration card bad file and cause damage to most of the families in Diyala," calling "conversion ration file management to Diyala to ensure the distribution of food rations to citizens on a regular basis." But the governor's advisor for reconstruction and investment Rasim Aqidi saw in an interview that "local governments are not designed to build and manage file ration card in the current circumstance of not having provincial funds and quality control measures."

    The Aqidi said that "ration card file management requires several factors, notably the provision of funds and study of the global origins to prevent the import of materials harmful to the health of the citizen along ترصين and file protection from potential corruption phenomena."

    He stressed Aqidi "the need to prepare complete studies about ration file and evaluate the ability of local governments to manage the file to ensure that the materials and items of national origins and subject to good quality control standards."

    According to local observers come claim Diyala adoption file ration card after the failure of the concerned authorities to provide منفردات ration card regularly and according to monthly schedule applicable to the popular discontent broad gripping the country due to problems ration and other problems faced by distribution agents in all the provinces.

    The Ministry of Commerce announced during previous years to reduce the ration card to 4 vocabulary is flour and rice which ensures public company for the production of grain Bttaghizhma and subjects of sugar and cooking oil which is equipping through the General Company for Foodstuff Trading in addition to material baby milk with Izzat reasons fluctuation ration to financial allocation and procedures contracting with merchants and not import good varieties and screening procedures and evaluation. Diyala includes 1748 as an agent for the ration card items distributors throughout the administrative units in the province.

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