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    When the government invokes the "old books" to finance the budget deficit

    Admin Assist
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    When the government invokes the "old books" to finance the budget deficit Empty When the government invokes the "old books" to finance the budget deficit

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 8:59 am

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    [size=37]When the government invokes the "old books" to finance the budget deficit[/size]

    Hamza Mustafa
     On according to known al-Qaeda, "the trader while bankrupting" Looking at the old books, the government, which has failed to account those who nominated she started not other whales corruption once and Mavyatea again, search the old books to meet the growing budget deficit due to the ongoing collapse in oil prices. In the framework of its stated consistently Salaries are secured for this year in the hope of re-oil prices rebounded in the last quarter of the year, which it applies the adage "I hope the Jews in Alobar" began moving toward its arch-foe Saddam Hussein to change it, this enemy who invoked Balomercan to eliminate it in 2003 and then repudiated them and to "sacrifice", the amount depending on their sources, "the official Americans," about 5,000 people dead and more than 20,000 handicapped and psychologically complex after he turned them from the "liberators" to "occupiers". "
     Coinciding with the US Iraq occupation or liberation, depending on the term of the Iraqi opposition forces that came to power on the impact of the heel of the American horses, it was those forces, parties and personalities "historic" occupied by Saddam Hussein's palaces as places of residence or accommodation for them and their parties with shy attempts to legitimize the occupation of what is assumed to be the king people have no king nor from Saddam came after him. The Acharanh is often the confiscation of properties and palaces on the one hand as Saddam and his senior officials and then start the process of renting these luxury palaces amounts Mkhjh in symbolism. And thus through fatwas legislators these forces and parties with Islamic affiliations prayer in these houses and palaces have become legitimate after it was seen before paying rents that are not commensurate with the grandeur that it usurped.
     Paradoxically, the most notable of which is that under the financial savings increased to $ trillion "A billion dollars" over ten years as a result of surplus oil prices, which reached the $ 150 per barrel, the new officials have not been able to build the equivalent of these palaces not to mention the lack of building hospitals and schools as well as roads and bridges and everything related to the infrastructure of the country. As dollars are not hiring one of these thousand billion dollars in improving agriculture, industry and even the religious tourism so as to ensure financial resources to ease the adoption of the annual budget on oil revenues by more than 95%. This is not only the financial and administrative corruption that makes us for nearly a decade at the top of the most corrupt countries in the bottom of Transparency International led to a waste of everything received from oil money, which is very huge funds, including help in finding financial stocks could help in financing bridging the deficit spending, even for a period of time until it is working to diversify its sources of income.
     Therefore, the action that you want the government taking it through the presentation of Real State, including Saddam Hussein's palaces, to the sale by public auction to finance the budget deficit but it is a three-edged boundaries do not double-edged. The first limit that this procedure Under the government's failure to speed up the reform process, which has made religious authority says that "her voice Bh" did not hear one, except for austerity measures that are not of reform in something that does not seem more than they went to him Abu Nawas "Treat me with that they are the disease. " The sale of real estate and palaces to finance the deficit is the deficit itself. And reducing the second there are signs that the feet of the same political class sons who are taking these buildings and palaces headquarters them to buy them at a fraction of their true value, which means that we like more than the poor poorer and the rich richer. And reducing the third that amount you get the government, which some estimated by about a hundred billion dollars will go in its entirety to wages and salaries, which means the return of the pace of corruption itself through the wrong disposition of what we have another "asset." This was the capital and the center used by Ajaizna old days to finance Dvenhn process at death through the provision of a sum of money no one knows but the moment of dying. Difference is that the elderly already they move to the mercy of God, while our government wants to resort to the "capital and the" middle age is in the heyday of its officials owners precious bundles of black and white turbans, and wrapped carefully heads.
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