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    Parliament closer to the adoption of freedom of expression and demonstration law

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament closer to the adoption of freedom of expression and demonstration law Empty Parliament closer to the adoption of freedom of expression and demonstration law

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 12:21 pm

    Parliament closer to the adoption of freedom of expression and demonstration law

    2/4/2016 0:00

    BAGHDAD - Muhannad Abdul Wahab

    cut the House of Representatives, advanced a long way for the completion of the process of legislation, freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful demonstration, which was the level of legislative work ambition law, particularly the law sponsor fee mechanism that allows freedom of expressing opinion by all means, and ensures the assembly and peaceful protest, and the right to knowledge that does not violate order or public morals.

    the House of Representatives, has completed the second reading of the draft freedom of expression, which saw the participation of 29 deputies in the discussions that led to the achievement of important additions law. stages of enactment of the law director general of the information department in the House of Representatives, Mohammed Abu Bakr, said in an interview with »Sabah» this «law is one of the most prominent legislation that express the freedom of opinion in Iraq and organize the work of peaceful protest», stressing that the parliament, worked hard at work on the legislation. he said Abu Bakr, said that «the law It has read it a second time, and the number of members of the House of Representatives discussants to the law of freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest «29« deputy »indicating that« the call for inclusion in the draft articles of the law emphasizes the inviolability own personal freedoms, and to prevent the participation of security officers in private meetings, and to clarify the imposition of sanctions contained in the law violators mechanism, was Labs claims that have been emphasizing included in the law, »noting that a number of parliamentarians, urged the importance that the law focuses on the right to meetings and identify those approvals granted to them, and to emphasize the need to mature the law larger through set up conferences and seminars with the participation of civil society organizations and non-merger between the demonstrations and protests and inquire about agencies that oversee the giving approval for the demonstrations, according to the law. general manager of the information department in the House, he pointed out that the interventions that took place to discuss the law, she stressed the importance of the law, including the prevention of abuse the appeal symbols and references religions, sects and Ataiwiv and beliefs, and demanded select actions that lead to the stabbing, and sorting between the terms contained in the law, and the need for peaceful requirement in the demonstrations and related activities to express Neil rights of the protesters without resorting to violence and urging the separation of the process of obtaining the information, the right of pretending contained in the bill, and the call to put limitations on Maitalq the issue of breach of public morality, as well as to emphasize the need for the bill to include a provision that prohibits the takfiri thought, as a prelude to terrorist acts. He Abubakar that the parliamentarians demanded that the law contains a clause makes it imperative for the Ministry internal deployment of demonstrations model on the ministry's website in order to get their own demonstrations approvals. the role of standing committees in the enactment of the law said director general of the information department of the House of Representatives, said that «the joint activities undertaken by the Committees of human rights, culture and information on the draft freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law , it was through «Iraq and global trends to freedom of expression and media development» conference that his organization «UNESCO» the occasion of World human rights day in 2014 under the auspices of the President of the House of Representatives, which was displayed the bill, during the conference which saw the participation of members of the Commission on human rights of the parliamentary and representatives from the CMC and a number of civil society organizations concerned with the press and the representative of the «UNESCO». He said general manager, to three hearings on the bill in the presence of members of the committees of human rights, culture and media rights, a group of cultural and media faces and representatives from the Ministry of Interior and the journalists' union, artists and lawyers Iraqi government officials, academics, journalists and representatives of community organizations, noting that the first hearing devoted to identify the loopholes contained in the bill to address them so as to ensure access to legislation and meets the aspirations of the Iraqi community in the exercise of natural rights in accordance with the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, while the second session saw discussion of the amendments that are made ​​by the ministries of Interior and human rights and the Inspector General on Article No. (1) of the Act, and for the right knowledge and information confidential and security matters and the establishment of an open database, except for national security, defense and the intelligence service and the Interior Ministry, and the problematic intersection of exposing corruption in the security services and provided for in the articles in Chapter II of the Act in this regard, pointing out that the interested promised to combine my address freedom of expression and demonstration process, as «adding arbitrary». he said Abu Bakr, said the third session, devoted to the review of the articles of the law in detail to be adjusted in line with freedom of expression and to ensure the right of the citizen, it was agreed to finalize the project. encounters stakeholders and the director general of the information department, said that the committees of human rights, culture and media, also met with a number of interested in the rights and freedoms of civil society organizations to discuss the draft law, as well as a meeting with a delegation from the legal Observatory for the freedom expression of opinion, which is one of the formations concerned with the rights and freedoms of civil society organizations to discuss the draft law and the need must modify some of the paragraphs of the draft law, which are incompatible with the reality of Iraqi society. between Abu Bakr, said the Human rights Commission, met with national union delegation Iraqi journalists was agreed communicate and demonstrate the union comments and views on the bill and send it to the Commission for the purpose of inclusion in the law, stressing that the Committee on culture and Information she and the other, a delegation of representatives of civil society organizations concerned with the press and media to listen to their comments on the bill, and discuss how to get out legislation can regulate freedom of expression opinion.

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