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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The United States calls upon the Iraqi Government to end the role of the popular crowd

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The United States calls upon the Iraqi Government to end the role of the popular crowd Empty The United States calls upon the Iraqi Government to end the role of the popular crowd

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Feb 2016, 3:19 am

    The United States calls upon the Iraqi Government to end the role of the popular crowd


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    Information/translation ...

     Iraqi security sources revealed Saturday that Washington put pressure on the Iraqi Government to end the popular crowd and solution partnership resistance factions that had a larger role in the war on terrorism. 

    Fars news agency said Iranian news agency translation/information/ quoting a high-level Iraqi source on condition of anonymity as saying that "the United States Government through its diplomats quoted a letter to the Iraqi Government that there is no need to crowd and the cycle must end." "Sources on the battlefield indicate that the Iraqi Government is advancing on this path." 

    She warned the factions of the popular crowd this leaked information from any regional or international attempts to stop their role or operations. 

    Mp Hassan Al-Sari said in an earlier statement that "the United States is trying to exert maximum efforts to weaken the popular crowd to prevent progress in the country." 

    Left to the resistance factions and the popular crowd had managed to defeat terrorism aldaashi in many battles in Salaheddin and Kirkuk, Baiji, Ramadi and rock cliff and still battling on several fronts and preparing to participate in editing. Finished 25 z

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