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    Abadi parliamentary demanding the resignation of Secretary of Defense within the upcoming ministeria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi parliamentary demanding the resignation of Secretary of Defense within the upcoming ministeria Empty Abadi parliamentary demanding the resignation of Secretary of Defense within the upcoming ministeria

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Feb 2016, 8:21 am

    Abadi parliamentary demanding the resignation of Secretary of Defense within the upcoming ministerial changes

    Thursday 11-02-2016 | 1:10:42

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    J p

    Twilight News / demanded Deputy High Nassif on Thursday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi dismissal of Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi within the ministerial upcoming changes to the existence of cases of "corruption" were raised against him were forwarded to the Commission on Public Integrity.
    Nassif said in a statement responded to the Twilight News, that "the al-Abadi to concentrate in the new ministerial cabinet to exclude both against whom there is corruption files to ensure non-recurrence of the failures that have occurred in some ministries and affiliated institutions due to lack of maintenance of public money."
    She stressed Nassif, "the need to involve the ministerial change involved corruption and raised around the issues of files relating to public money and in the Integrity Commission has been questioned in the House of Representatives", calling for "the dismissal of Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, the presence of him You referred to the Integrity Commission, and we have a file in this regard Abadi can be found. "
    Abadi was announced in a televised speech on Tuesday he would hold a ministerial changes to the government for the appointment of technocrats rather than ministers who were appointed on the basis of their political affiliation.
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