Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Community Banking Association in favour of the idea of merging State banks and encourage them

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Community Banking Association in favour of the idea of merging State banks and encourage them Empty Community Banking Association in favour of the idea of merging State banks and encourage them

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 02 Jan 2013, 1:42 pm

    Community Banking Association in favour of the idea of merging State banks and encourage them

    Posted on: 2: 55 pm, January 2, 2013 by ipa 2

    (IBA). The Director of the Association of private banks in favour of
    Abdul Aziz Hassoun, the idea of merging State banks with each her
    considered a good idea to reduce the heavy burden on the State and the
    decrease of the operating management of work without the privileged
    service, saying: Merge means creating large financial block capable of
    dealing with new developments and with the required funding and money

    Hassoun said in a statement to the independent press
    agency (IBA) "that the Rafidain and Rashid banks in the restructuring
    plan developed in collaboration with the World Bank and managed by a
    Committee of Finance Minister and Central Bank Governor and the head of
    the Office of financial supervision of State-owned banks merge and
    reduce their international plans, saying: that this project will
    contribute to strengthening the banking sector and the success of his

    "The idea of combining the idea of universal banks
    contribute to reducing the number of banks to dominate its work,
    stating: some civil banks took this idea to merge weak banks threatened
    with collapse with strong banks to form strong banking sector instead of
    loss of capital."

    Hassoun said: the banks merge project successful
    but specialized banks merge is unsuccessful that the specialized banks,
    real estate and Agriculture and industry working individually and does
    not require combined to confound their work and his specialty, pointing
    out: the integration of agriculture and industry Bank idea lead to
    successful if used correctly.(End)

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