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    What will be the role of Egypt in Iraq, the fight against "terrorism"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    What will be the role of Egypt in Iraq, the fight against "terrorism" Empty What will be the role of Egypt in Iraq, the fight against "terrorism"

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Feb 2016, 4:55 am

    [size=32]What will be the role of Egypt in Iraq, the fight against "terrorism"[/size]

    06:16:17 2/14/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Twilight Newsspokesman for the Iraqi Defense Ministry Naseer Nouri that Baghdad was sending combat troops to Egypt to train during the coming period. Egyptian military training to Iraqi army forces, comes in the wake of the official visit, carried out by the Iraqi defense minister to Cairo a few days ago, which was agreed on this matter, on the basis of the important factors for the two countries.Cairo is put a different strategy in the face of "Daash", otherwise the views raised Arab and international levels. That strategy, is to be done to strengthen the existing armies in those countries, particularly Iraq, Libya, and possibly Syria.At the time, that Cairo welcomed the Iraqi defense minister, was the commander of the armed forces present in the Libyan Cairo. The Egyptian government has raised the same thing on the Libyan official, in order to strengthen and enhance the Libyan forces.Egypt, and also sees Followers files for the Middle East and North Africa, is seeking to play a regional role is growing, through political and military hubs in different directions. It declares its point of view of the leaders of Western countries, which is angling opportunities for penetration in an existential conflict zones.[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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