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    Abadi agrees on a draft conscription law and parliamentary security "ahead"

    Admin Assist
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     Abadi agrees on a draft conscription law and parliamentary security "ahead" Empty Abadi agrees on a draft conscription law and parliamentary security "ahead"

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Feb 2016, 5:34 am

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    Iraqi army forces deployed in the city of Ramadi after its liberation
    Abadi agrees on a draft conscription law and parliamentary security "ahead"

    Author: BS, MK 
    Editor: BK, BS 02.14.2016 12:57 Number of Views: 312 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Revealed the parliamentary security committee, said on Sunday that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreed on a draft conscription law, as pointed out to the majority of the committee members agree on the draft law.
    The committee member said Iskandar and berries in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Commission has taken important steps on the wording of a draft compulsory military service law," noting that "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, agreed to the draft, where the Commission is waiting returned to make an too much on them. "
    And berries, the "majority of the committee members agree on the need for a compulsory military service," pointing out that "the representatives of the Sunni component and agreed on the need for legislation such as that law leaving only the arrival drafted by the Council of Ministers for discussion and approval."
    He was a member of the Security and Defense Committee in Parliament, Iskandar and berries, it was revealed during a press conference held at his office in Babil province, attended by (long-Presse), in (the 28th of January 2016), for the Committee's further consideration of the draft compulsory service law for submission to the presidency of the parliament.
    The compulsory military service system, following Iraq before 2003, but was canceled after the US invasion disbanding of the army ordered the civil administrator, Paul Bremer, Iraq, where he currently follows the voluntary service system.
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