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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Washington announced its support for the efforts of al-Abadi in the selection of professional figure

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Washington announced its support for the efforts of al-Abadi in the selection of professional figure Empty Washington announced its support for the efforts of al-Abadi in the selection of professional figure

    Post by Rocky Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:42 am

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    BAGHDAD / obelisk: Washington announced on Wednesday its support to the efforts of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the conduct of ministerial changes to the current government, stressing keenness on the stability of the situation in Iraq and the region, while tightened to proceed with the help of Iraqi forces to continue the war against 'Daash'.
    The US embassy in Baghdad said in a statement issued after the meeting Ambassador Stuart Jones, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, the 'official central to the highest executive authority in the United States Headquarters supports the efforts of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the conduct of ministerial changes to the current government. "
    Jones confirmed, according to the statement, that the 'White House supports all efforts of the Government of Abadi, in the course of the ministerial change and choose a professional figures to fill the ministerial portfolios', stressing that 'his country's keenness to stabilize the situation in Iraq and the region.'
    He continued Jones, that "Washington continues to provide military and logistical assistance and training Iraqi forces to continue the war against Daash and the return of displaced people to their areas liberated '.
    The statement quoted the deputy head of the House of Representatives saying, 'strongly support any change of government in the interest of the Iraqi people and to choose a professional competent figures', calling for' the need to discuss ways to contain the economic crisis in Iraq and the Kurdistan region due to lower global oil prices, and the importance of the resumption of relations between Baghdad and Erbil naturally to address the problems and outstanding issues between the parties'.
    He pointed Sheikh Mohammed, to 'the need for continued support from the American side, which plays a pivotal role in the region, and our country is going through a difficult phase and we need to stand friendly countries to pass the crises and difficulties. "
    The United States confirmed on Monday (February 1, 2016), its commitment to support the Iraqi government in achieving stability after the end of the 'conflict' in areas that have been edited recently, while praised the meetings held between officials of the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, describing it as a 'positive' .

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