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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jaafari: fight on behalf of the world and we need to support commensurate with the challenges

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    Jaafari: fight on behalf of the world and we need to support commensurate with the challenges Empty Jaafari: fight on behalf of the world and we need to support commensurate with the challenges

    Post by Rocky Thu 25 Feb 2016, 4:12 am

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    Jaafari: fight on behalf of the world and we need to support commensurate with the challenges

     Baghdad / term 

    Foreign Minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Arab states and the international community to provide more support for his country in the war against al Daash, stressing that Iraq is fighting on behalf of the rest of the country so it is looking forward to support commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges. 
    Arrived Jaafari to the capital, Rabat, in his first visit to the Kingdom Morocco, where he met with Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, and Rachid Talbi Alami chairman of the House of Representatives, then Salaheddine Mezouar Foreign Affairs and cooperation Minister. 
    the Foreign Ministry, in a statement, received a (long-Presse), copy of it, "Ibrahim al-Jaafari, met Tuesday, Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, "noting that" the meeting focused on enhancing ways of strengthening bilateral relations and discuss regional issues and international interest to the two countries. " 
    the al-Jaafari, he" discussed the importance of the agreement to lift visas for diplomatic passports the passport service between Baghdad and Rabat, and the reopening of the Iraqi school Iraqis living in Morocco for the students. " 
    for his part, expressed Kieran, for" his country's keenness to strengthen relations with Iraq, and its solidarity with him in the war being waged against Daash gangs terrorist, "expressing" his country's readiness to provide support, and assistance until overcome this crisis. " 
    al-Jaafari, a contract with his Moroccan counterpart, Salaheddine Mezouar, held a press conference, and Nlgueth AFP. 
    Jaafari said that" the amount of aid is not commensurate with the size of the real need for Iraq ... in the face of Daash and benefits resulting from it especially that Iraq does not defend himself, but will defend itself and the rest of the countries, especially Arab, and that some of these citizens come from these countries. " 
    He said Iraqi Foreign Minister that" the terrorists come from this country and that, but we do not look to these countries through Alhmaz of their fellow citizens, there are terrorists from Europe, America and Scandinavia as well as the Arab countries, they rebelled against the will of their own countries before to rebel against Iraq and violate its sanctity. " 
    the cross-Jaafari for his country's hope that the support will be for Iraq," larger in the hope that Iraq riding its economy and exceeds the ordeal even trust in their capabilities, "he said." We are fighting on behalf of Iraq, on behalf of the rest of the countries, we used to look forward to support commensurate with the size of the magnitude of the challenges. "
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