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    Allawi shows you how to move the Iraqi economy through the use of Iraqi air space

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    Allawi shows you how to move the Iraqi economy through the use of Iraqi air space Empty Allawi shows you how to move the Iraqi economy through the use of Iraqi air space

    Post by Rocky Wed 02 Mar 2016, 2:41 pm

    Allawi shows you how to move the Iraqi economy through the use of Iraqi air space

    Wednesday 02 March 2016 - 09:57

    By: Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi

    The most busiest road in air transport is an air route between the continent of Europe and East Asia and Australasia (China, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) where the outnumbered travelers two hundred million passengers a year are expected by future studies that up to number 400 million passengers a year through eight years and to 800 million passengers a year in twenty years.

    I've moved a lot of countries to take advantage of their geographical locations and achieve significant benefits for the country and moving the country's economy on several levels and we will discuss below three airports in the region and by three airlines:

    1.mtarat Istanbul and Turkish Airlines (Turkish Airlines): It owns the Turkish lines (301) different aircraft, passengers and the number through the airports of Istanbul is around 83 million passengers a year, and the number of passengers transit (transit Transit) out of the country is around ( 35) million passengers, while the resources accruing (Revenue) stands at about 11 billion dollars a year, and for the largest share of the projected increase for transit passengers in the future, there are 187 aircraft on order received during the coming years.

    2. Dubai and lines Emirates Airport (Emirates Airlines): It owns Emirates Airline (235) different aircraft, passengers and the number of through Dubai airport is about 78 million passengers a year, and the number of passengers transit (transit Transit) outside the country of about 40 million passengers, while the resources accruing (Revenue) stands at approximately (12.6) billion dollars a year, and for the largest share of the projected increase for transit passengers in the future, there are 275 aircraft on order received during the coming years. Photos can be viewed Dubai Airport, UAE and lines on the link below those who did not watch:

    https: // http : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] v = GQgzE6N2jco

    The material is available in Iraq, as well as human possibilities to create such an airport or better, but did not happen, unfortunately due to address the corrupt and ignorant to rule the country during the previous periods.

    3. Airport (Hamad) Doha and Qatar Airways (Qatar Airlines): It owns Qatar Airways (173) different aircraft, passengers and the number of through Doha Airport is around 30 million passengers a year, and the number of passengers transit (transit Transit) out of the country is around (8) million passengers, while the resources accruing (Revenue) amount to about 9 billion dollars a year, and for the largest share of the projected increase for transit passengers in the future, there are 169 aircraft on order received during the coming years.

    As for the Iraqi lines number of aircraft at the present day is the (32) plane and there are 45 aircraft on order, and can double these numbers, there is nothing wrong even taking the global loans even with interest for the purchase of these aircraft because the profits are naturally covers the benefits of global banks, unfortunately A complete lack of professionalism in the management of Iraqi Airways in Baghdad international Airport management so that prevented Iraqi Airways from flying over the European continent and landing in European airports.

    Question here, is there a possibility to become Iraqi Airways level of Emirates Airline, and that Iraq has hundreds of planes, and that becomes the Baghdad airport on a par with Dubai Airport, and travelers take between east and west from Baghdad traffic station, and that the resources of the industry tens of billions of dollars realized, and moving the economy, and the rise in the country towards progress and prosperity, and the Iraqi citizen towards the good, prosperity and progress ????

    The answer with confidence: Yes

    But how way to do that within this rampant corruption and the difficult economic conditions and the descent of oil prices, bank loans, high benefits ????

    Starting can not achieve anything as long as spoilers are the ones who run the helm of the country and are deployed in all joints of the Ministry of Transport and airlines and Iraqi Airports Iraq, not eliminate them can not in any way to walk this plan and achieve any of the objectives listed above, but if the removal of the corrupt and bring loyal and who give the benefit of the country on their own then the can achieve big objectives mentioned above by taking the following steps:

    1. Create a new building of the airport connects the current building while providing all the basic necessities in the international airports of lobbies, restaurants, cafes franchise companies (Franchise) and boutiques shopping internal and hotel and other leisure services to transit the traveler does not suffer (transit) of any difficulty if he spent several hours in the wait, should the building roadmap to be well thought out fully the current needs and future with the division of the construction phase into several stages and the building phase after another as needed while providing all the other inputs, with the development of an integrated plan for the development of this sector of the purchase of aircraft and make requests and contracts for new aircraft, and the cost construction and purchase of aircraft in this difficult economic situation is bringing loans from international banks moderate benefits, where international banks willing to provide loans moderate benefits to create a profitable investment project covers banking benefits for these banks. There is nothing wrong to revive the smart city near the airport as an investment project and the creation of buildings housing project for workers at the airport of Iraqis and others have also been addressed subject on the following link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] within the theme (Why submitted my resignation from the Ministry of Communications)

    2. involve Iraqi Airways in an air alliances, where there are three big global alliances, a coalition (Star Star) and the Alliance (SkyTeam Sky team) and the Alliance (One World One world) as well as the Arab Coalition, an alliance (Arabesque Arabesk) and this subscription is more than necessary and fundamental issue to enter Iraq and the global aviation clubs so that they can buy a ticket and one on the Iraqi Airways to gain access to any country in the world through coordination between the different lines, as the intervention of the Iraqi lines and enter Iraq as part of the global travel agencies, where Iraq from Arab countries very few non-participation in any alliance so far, lines Aalh Jordanian lines and the Middle East, Egypt Air and Tunisian, Moroccan and Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar are all participate in one of the three alliances as well as the Arab coalition, but to engage in one of these alliances is no entry arbitrarily, but must study it more closely, with the study of the areas to be covered now as well as future plans.

    3. involve the private sector purchase and participation in the planning and management shares, and can be accessed with the participation of the company or more of the airlines and to benefit from their expertise, but can even enter a partnership with an international lines and take advantage of the administrative experience and the provision of services and other features.

    4. Consideration of the possibility of entering partnerships symbol of flight, as there are a lot of global partnerships symbol between two or more companies to achieve mutual benefits pressing the expenses and compete with other lines and get a bigger share of the aviation market within certain areas, the traveler finds now naturally posts symbol in airports around the world for four companies and more, it is also natural that these partnerships be a cause to raise the standards of travel and the development of services provided and to enter competition to lure travelers in terms of facilities offered and the level of services.

    5. There are travel cheap market where the planes certain specifications and Bklv economic and are usually filled with travelers and within the crowded lines as (EasyJet Easy Jet British) Inc. (Bicassos Pegasus) and the Turkish company Air Arabia, the UAE and NAS Saudi Arabia and others, can the Iraqi lines create cheap economic lines under the name of another to take cheap transport operations, particularly in the heavy travel periods for visits during religious events, as well as providing cheap trips tourist programs for low-income workers, whether in or outside the State institutions.

    6. It is known that such demands and this development requires the presence of people on the high degree of specialization in the field of aviation and airport management and marketing at the global level as well as qualified staff to walk such ambitious plans, both in aviation or airport activities of the field, and this is what is lacking in Iraq at the moment, so to solve this dilemma, it is necessary to contract with more than one person who have extensive global experience to the management of global airlines and management of international airports and reputation and take over marketing at a global level in the field of aviation operations and travel agencies, and this contract is usually for a period of two years where it can be through this period training current staff and providing qualified for such events cadre in the near future, God willing.

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