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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Trade denies withholding or cancel the ration card for any citizen

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Trade denies withholding or cancel the ration card for any citizen Empty Trade denies withholding or cancel the ration card for any citizen

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Mar 2016, 4:01 am

    Trade denies withholding or cancel the ration card for any citizen

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    Denied the Ministry of Commerce issued a decision to withhold or stop the ration card for any Iraqi citizen , contrary to the regulations adopted in dealing with the covered by the ration card system, which includes more than 37 million Iraqi citizens. The ministry said in astatement issued by the Information Office that the ministry is checking the big names in which up the level of reconstruction in the 80 andolder because there are many deaths in this reconstruction and not todownload it from the records centers ration which constitutes anencroachment on the public money , and said in a statement that the ministry stopped the ration card processing for reconstruction in excess of 96 practical and above due to old age of the reconstruction and the presence of mortality They have not been identified or reported by the Ministry of Health health centers or the Interior Ministry identified the review oftheir loved ones to the nearest proper bodies center or the staff of the ration centers to visit them and see directly on thepeople and without being called bother to go to these centers and the statement noted that the audit process or the suspension does not mean cutting ration card or withheld as much as what checks put covered a very large reconstruction or who are very similar in their names but while making sure the information if a person is can his receipt of the vocabulary naturally without any action but if detected the presence of violation , or the death of a person is up to take legal action this is to stop theration card and that a routine comes naturally to reduce the waste of public money. He cautioned statement of the Ministry ofCommerce all citizens to the big money that goes by the financial and administrative irregularities and bypass public money size by the presence of large numbers of dead and Similar names without having to take the former ministries of any action to curb this phenomenon , which is now handled legal and administrative through oversight committees, auditing doing business in a professional manner in all provinces of the country and what does not affect the process covered by the citizens processing in the ration card , the ministry warns of deception practiced by some spoilers who damaged their interests because of campaign campaigns big reforms taking place in all companies and departments Ministry to change the negative image that accompanied the work of the ministry in previous years
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