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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Council accusing Baghdad checkpoints to "impose royalties" on trucks entering the capital!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Council accusing Baghdad checkpoints to "impose royalties" on trucks entering the capital! Empty Council accusing Baghdad checkpoints to "impose royalties" on trucks entering the capital!

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Mar 2016, 3:39 am

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    Council accusing Baghdad checkpoints to "impose royalties" on trucks entering the capital!

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Accused the Baghdad provincial council member Mohammed al - Rubaie security checkpoints impose "royalties" up to 15 thousand dollars on big trucks before allowing them to enter the capital , Baghdad, and as he emphasized that the Council informed theconcerned authorities that the practice "negative and dangerous" without having totake any action to reduce them , download views "influential" responsibility " to obstruct the arenas of trade exchange project , which is a solution for it." 
    said council member Mohammed al - Rubaie, in an interview (long - Presse) that "most of the security checkpoints at the entrances of Baghdad royalties levied on large trucks entering the capital," noting that there are "certain that the security control at the entrance to Baghdad - Kut take royalties from truck owners information, and that some of the trucks remain three or four days at the entrance of control, not allowed to enter the capital only after paying the owners the required amount." 
    He said al - Rubaie, said " royalties imposed on truck owners ranging from four to ten thousand dollars ,"adding that" security agents forced trucks coming from Kut owners towards Diyala to enter to Baghdad rather than through Nahrawan in order to impose a royalty on them or get on the side of the goods they carry. " 
    he revealed a member of the Baghdad Provincial Council, for " the Council received a complaint from theowner of a large truck carrying chickens that control Walcott took him 15 thousand dollars before allowing him to enter the capital after five days left in the street, because of the prevention officer , where he entered without paying the royalty," returned that "traders are forced to pay royalties to introduce their wares as soon avoid losses caused by the delay time, then Astqtonha by raising its price will reflect negatively on the poor citizens in particular, as a result of the greed of checkpoints officers." 
    the al - Rubaie, said " the control of Kut sold fictional figures for officers and mattresses carrying large ranks in the army and federal police , "pointing out that, brought the " information on such negative and dangerous practice of the Supreme views but nobody listened! " 
    he was a member of the Council of the Islamic Supreme Council of the citizen bloc, headed by Ammar al -Hakim, was surprised, of "not to punish the elements checkpoints despite the sudden raid carried out by theintelligence and National Security them campaign , " likely "involvement of elements of these parties and their involvement with the elements of the checkpoints." 
    He attributed al - Rubaie, the accumulation of large trucks at the entrances to the capital, to the "strict audit procedures followed by the Baghdad operations command , with the aim secure the capital and control of the Interior to goods, "but he also said , " but it has caused the occurrence of confusion and the momentum oftraffic at the entrances of the capital , leading to grumbling citizens. " 
    He said al - Rubaie, said" those problems solution is the establishment of trade zones in the outskirts ofBaghdad , "pointing out that" the province and the council and the Baghdad operations command is working on the implementation of the project but there are supreme bodies of influential and beneficiaries of royalty hampered. "

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