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    Japan calls on Iraq to take advantage of its experience in reconstruction after the 2011 earthquake

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Japan calls on Iraq to take advantage of its experience in reconstruction after the 2011 earthquake Empty Japan calls on Iraq to take advantage of its experience in reconstruction after the 2011 earthquake

    Post by Rocky Thu 10 Mar 2016, 8:58 am

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    The side of the mass in Ramadi
    Japan calls on Iraq to take advantage of its experience in reconstruction after the 2011 earthquake

    Author: AB, MK 
    Editor: AB, HH 10.3.2016 17:54 Number ofViews: 9 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    The Japanese government announced on Thursday, for the training of 7,000 Iraqis since 2003 in various disciplines, the Iraqi government and called for the benefit of the Japanese experience in the reconstruction after the earthquake in 2011, and take advantage of trained personnel, as pointed out that Iraq has provided assistance to her following the quake, worth $ 10 million.
    He said Japan's ambassador to Iraq Fumio Iwo any during the seminar hosted by the Mesopotamian Center for Strategic Studies at the fifth anniversary of the earthquake in Japan and attended (range Press), said that "Japan has been living under the economic and financial political difficulties when the earthquake hit eastern Japan on March 11, 2011 "I built that" the damage caused by the earthquake was very great where he killed 18 thousand people, while material losses amounted to 18 trillion yen, or roughly $ 200 billion as well as economic losses amounted to about $ 235 billion. "
    Iwo any, that "163 countries and 43 international organizations offered assistance to Japan, including Iraq, where he made a $ 10 million," adding that "the reconstruction of the country, the campaign has continued since 2011 until last year, in 2015, where he was the founding of the Agency for Reconstruction, headed by the Prime Minister in the tenth of February 2012, the tasks of rebuilding the areas affected by the earthquakes. "
    The Japanese ambassador, that "Iraq is suffering from a similar situation to what happened in Japan from the economic crisis as a result of lower oil prices and control (Daash) on some of the provinces, thus was born the problem of the displaced," revealing that "the Japanese government leased 60 thousand housing units for displaced people and established housing units another for them. "
    He pointed Iwo any, that "Japan has trained 7,000 Iraqi cadres in various disciplines since 2003, either in Japan or in other countries," calling on the Iraqi government "to take advantage of the Japanese experience in the reconstruction of Iraq and invest trained personnel."
    And hit the Tohoku region in Japan off the Pacific Coast, in the 11th of March, 2011, to an earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale, resulting in the destruction of more than 121 thousand building fully and more than 278 thousand building is half-full.
    Iraq needs a lot of money for the reconstruction of regions that have been freed from the control of the organization (Daash), after these areas were damaged extensively, especially as it includes more than three provinces while still Mosul and other areas under the control of the organization, which requires the provision of more money in anticipation of the reconstruction of the areas that is released .

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