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    Abadi puts "time ceilings" for economic reform

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi puts "time ceilings" for economic reform Empty Abadi puts "time ceilings" for economic reform

    Post by Rocky Wed 16 Mar 2016, 3:27 am

    Abadi puts "time ceilings" for economic reform

    March 15, 2016 

    Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi put "time ceilings" for economic reform within the reform document , which announced recently a

    member of the Committee of Economy and Parliamentary investment Najiba Najib said Abadi put ceilings of time for economic reform, and that this new thing different from what already and he will be held accountable to implement these reforms in accordance with the time limit put it , at the same time stressing the need of economic reform to political and security stability can not revive the Iraqi economy without stabilizing these aspects

    and said Najib al - Abadi is one of the new ministers will choose himself , and so he selected very carefully to achieve political stability

    Haider al-Abadi

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