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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The text of the statement of the three presidencies meeting with leaders of political blocs and par

    Admin Assist
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     The text of the statement of the three presidencies meeting with leaders of political blocs and par Empty The text of the statement of the three presidencies meeting with leaders of political blocs and par

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Mar 2016, 7:01 am

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    Nur News / Baghdad

    [size=32]The text of the [size=32]statement of the 
    [size=32]three presidencies meeting with leaders of[/size][size=32]political blocs and parties [/size][size=32]Senior[/size]


    I got light News a copy of the presidential statement issued after the meeting of the three presidencies and reads as follows:

    At the invitation of His Excellency the President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the afternoon Saturday, 03/19/2016 an emergency meeting of the three presidencies with the leaders of blocs and political parties, in the Peace Palace in Baghdad.

    At the outset of the meeting alive attendees victory of our heroine in Anbar and Mosul and cutouts other and expressed their emphasis on stand strong will and Dolly citizens in Taza who faced brutal crimes committed by terrorists, it was also emphasized on the need to maintain the security of the capital Baghdad and limiting arms possession security forces.

    The meeting focused on the political and administrative reform and the fight against corruption and the ministerial amendment issues and to express their respect for the popular will as represented by demonstrations and sit-ins in the country since July last year and is still ongoing.

    The formation of a committee represented all the political components and representatives of the three presidencies that would follow up the implementation of the reform measures and alterations during the ministerial week to help the prime minister in a cabinet reshuffle urgently and activate the work of the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption and speed up the resolution of independent bodies files.

    Was also at the meeting approve the formation of a committee of the two communities and their representatives to liaise with leaders of the parties to the national demonstrations to understand the demands and express them in practice in the Commission's work in coordination with the government and the House of Representatives.

    It was emphasized at the meeting on the need for the work of the House of Representatives on the completion of stalled and delayed legislation and laws so as to help in the promotion and Ayijiba pace of reform.

    These measures and is an expression of the State's need real reform, launched by the Prime Minister, which is consistent with the national will, which is being expressed through the demonstrators and protesters patriots who are the basis of the political process and the owners of a genuine interest in Iraq a free, democratic, progressive and safe part.

    Where it was stressed by the presidents and representatives of blocs and parties expressed their support for the legitimate demands and the importance of focusing on accelerating the pace of reform, especially in these circumstances that require everyone to ensure the security and stability and provide area of ​​our armed forces to devote to the performance of national tasks in the fight against Daash and eliminated.

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