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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Sat 26 Mar 2016, 4:02 am

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    fell budget deficit to 3.5 percent , 
    data showed, told the French statistics, on Friday, the budget deficit for 2015 fell greater than the pledges degree, made ​​by Paris itself to its partners of the European Union, but with high debt to a record level. 
    The decline in the French public deficit, which includes the inability of the central bank andlocal government budgets and social insurance to 3.5 percent of last year 's economic output.              
    this is less a deficit since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008, and better than the level of 3.8 percent, which was the Paris target in its commitments to the EU institutions and other countries in the euro zone. Beijing profits of government enterprises fall to 14.2% , it said the Chinese Ministry of Finance said onFriday that the government corporate profits fell 14.2 percent in January \ January and February \ February compared to the same period a year ago to a record 222.61 billion yuan (34.2 billion dollars) in the index on Taker business setting to deteriorate due to a slowing economy. the ministry said that the profits of local government enterprises fell by 40.9 percent in the first two months of the year compared to thecorresponding period of last year. In contrast owned corporate profits decreased the central government 's8.2 percent. This is due landing Alhadaly slowdown in business activity during the Chinese New Year holidays and weaknesses in the sectors of coal and iron , where Chinese officials said the planned layoffs 1.8 million workers at a time when efforts are being made ​​to reduce excess employment in the sector size industrial.Tokyo Japanese inflation stable , official data showed, on Friday, the stability of the annual consumer price inflation in Japan in February \ February where curbed low energy costs and consumption weak price growth ,which the central bank keeps under pressure to increase stimulus despite political ease monetary less than two months. According index separately the Bank of Japan does not include the impact of energy and fresh food prices , inflation was 1.1 percent on an annual basis in February \ February , unchanged from January \ January. confirm the numbers and the prevailing view in the market that the Bank of Japan would be forced to lower its forecasts for inflation and the extension of the timing of reach goal Monday percent during thequarterly review of its forecasts next month. Tunisia , the World Bank granted a loan of $ 5 billion , said theWorld Bank representative in Tunisia, told Reuters on Friday, it said that the bank intends to lend Tunisia about five billion dollars in the next five years to support the democratic transition and economic recovery.struggling Tunisia to stimulate its economy , given the decline in tourism revenues after the armed attacks carried out by Islamist militants last year and out protests demanding employment opportunities as well as the slow pace of economic reforms. said Eileen Murray , " the World Bank put the strategic five - year term of Tunisia and plans to lend billion dollars each year."

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 7:20 am