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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Emotions grace: the Saudi ambassador's remarks on Fallujah shameless interference in Iraqi internal

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Emotions grace: the Saudi ambassador's remarks on Fallujah shameless interference in Iraqi internal Empty Emotions grace: the Saudi ambassador's remarks on Fallujah shameless interference in Iraqi internal

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Mar 2016, 3:00 am

    [size=32]Emotions grace: the Saudi ambassador's remarks on Fallujah shameless interference in Iraqi internal affairs[/size]

    10:43:48 a.m. 03/27/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Emotions grace: the Saudi ambassador 'sremarks on Fallujah intervention shameless in Iraqi internal affairs and described the MP for the coalition ofstate law emotions grace the Saudi ambassador 'sremarks on Fallujah as interference shameless in Iraqi internal affairs, expressing regret at the Government 's preoccupation with "whirlwind reforms and let goof sundry interfere in our affairs. "she said in astatement reported by its press office today:" the Saudi ambassador usual in Salvh and Oukahth and its interventions in the internal affairs of Iraq , said that what happened in Fallujah is a result of what he described as thefragmentation and marginalization of the other, while the government ofAl - Saud is Last of talk about theother marginalized after themarginalized segment of its people along sectarian lines and the execution of the clergy unjustly. " She asked a blessing:" If the ambassador Thamer Sabhan pretending to be sympathetic to thepeople of Fallujah , why also Aatatef with the victims ofHillah bombings ,not with thevictims of the rest of the bombings ,which kills hundreds of innocent civilians because of thefatwas of murder coming from Saudi Arabia and criminality? or are there other motives behind his statements? ".she added:" It 'sunfortunate thatwe held up Bzubah reforms and political differences andeach team isflexing its muscles in front of theother and left ahandful of Saud are interfering in the internal alone with all thearrogance The effrontery ", calling on thegovernment and the masses to" express itsrejection of these blatant interventions. "[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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