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    House of Representatives vote on the bills and finished reading three laws

    Admin Assist
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     House of Representatives vote on the bills and finished reading three laws Empty House of Representatives vote on the bills and finished reading three laws

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Apr 2016, 11:19 am

    [size=16]House of Representatives vote on the bills and finished reading three laws

    House of Representatives voted at its twenty-third regular headed by Dr. Salim al-President of the Council and in the presence of 268 deputies on Monday, 04/04/2016, on bills and finished reading three bills regarding announced his readiness to hold a private in the event of the readiness of the Prime Minister to provide the names of ministerial cabin session of in order to vote.

    At the outset of the meeting, Mr. Jubouri offered condolences Council deputy Dr. Yusuf Ali Shukri of the death of his brother, while Al - Fatihah was read on the soul of the deceased and all the martyrs of Iraq.

    This was followed by the Attorney Hamid vegetative statement on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mr. Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, who could lay hands atonement and terrorism with a group of unarmed believers after the end of Friday prayers in Najaf, indicating that the (Mihrab) had belonged to religious dynasty ancient Rphit Iraq and the Muslim world great references and provided services solemn, he is referring to the large role in toppling the regime Altagota private he made more than 60 martyrs of his brothers and cousins.

    The MP vegetation on the possession of the deceased (martyr of the mihrab) to draft national cross-sectarian and nationalist saves for Jima rights, stressing that the martyr of the mihrab was able to establish a mosque capable political entity on the political process management and to strengthen the relationship with all the ingredients as well as the formation of a military force Garat dictatorial regime bore the name of "forces Badr "that is involved now to fight terrorism and recorded victories.

    Then read the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives Al-Fatihah memory of the spirit of the deceased Mr. Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim.

    In another matter, Mr. Speaker stressed conduct dialogues with parliamentary blocs and VIPs over the government's amendment, noting that there are constants with the Council and parliamentary blocs are ensuring the completion of the reform process reshuffle without any irreversible, as well as the council and parliamentary blocs adopted important controls were excluded for any personal ones of competence, integrity and professional standards and the ability to manage the ministry as well as the trend goes towards comprehensive amendment of each minister and is linked to the process of tweaking what has been voted on in relation to the independent bodies and security positions and ambassadors.

    President al-Jubouri and announced the distribution of biographies of the ministers of the candidates for all the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives for their information and guidance of all the parliamentary committee competent to evaluate minister candidate, according to a corresponding committee of the ministry to release its efficiency and professionalism, noting that the Integrity Commission has sent a response regarding the candidates after the face of the Council wrote an official to each of the bodies of integrity and accountability, justice and the Department of Criminal enrollment in the Interior Ministry also said the council will take evaluating committees and responses by official bodies into consideration and will be reported to the Prime Minister full position of the Council.

    Mr. Jubouri said the commitment of the Council to time which announced earlier in the event the readiness of the Prime Minister to provide Ministers and the adoption of the mechanism, according to his choice either dismiss the current ministers or vote on the cabinet bench, explaining that Mr. Abadi confirmed the absence of merging some ministries process, but the minister and his ministry assume my own name, and other run its affairs by proxy and have him in the cabinet the right to represent one ministry in the event of voting.

    Then the Council voted on a draft ratifying the Convention on the establishment of commercial Ministerial Council between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and the economy and investment for the development of joint cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the expansion of trade and investment relationship law.

    The Board completed the vote on the draft law on ratification agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and the economy, investment, finance, health, environment, services and ages in order to strengthen cooperation in economic and technical fields between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the State of Kuwait and the ratification of the Convention Act.

    And on direct oral question submitted by MP Huda Sajjad to Mr. Tariq Kikhany Minister of Construction and Housing, Municipalities, President al-Jubouri, he stressed the importance of the subordination of all Maitalq with questions oral introduction of the masters of those responsible for the contexts in force in the Council for the purpose of determining an official date and sticking to it by them.

    In turn, he demanded that the MP Huda Sajjad presence of the Minister of Construction and Housing and municipalities for the next session of the House of Representatives to answer oral question submitted to him.

    I read Rep Sajida Mohammad on behalf of a number of women deputies statement on the occasion of the establishment of a network in which Iraqi parliamentarians said that the establishment of the network is designed for the advancement of Iraqi women and promote their participation in political decision-making and the political process and industry reforms and activate their role in all fields.

    Council postponed the first reading of the draft first amendment to the law of the Unified Retirement Law No. (9) for the year 2014 and provided financial and legal committees, which comes in implementation of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court No. 36 / Federal / 2014 and the adoption of a single equation in the calculation of pension rights to give committees a chance to study it and ripening.

    On the other hand, President al-Jubouri announced the submission of a request signed by 50 deputies on the grounds of Sinjar disaster area, pointing to refer the request to the relevant committees of the numbers drafting of the resolution.

    Council Unger read the report and discussion of the draft law and the public prosecutor submitted by Legal Committee .

    In the interventions MP Riad Ghareeb stressed the importance of making a moral point of device to perform its oversight role correctly away from the pressures to expose corruption.
    It demanded Rep. Najiba Najib to hold workshops and sessions to come out with ideas to contribute in activating the role of the public prosecutor.

    He called Ardalan Noureddine to be part of the public prosecutor of the judiciary, pointing out that the bill did not come new.

    I suggest MP Jabbar al-Abadi to provide a cadre functional integrated to the Prosecutor's Office to carry out its duties in the control of the executive branch.

    The Rat MP Ibtisam al-Hilali need to be for the chief prosecutor over Vice many of the tasks performed by the chief prosecutor.

    For his part, urged Attorney Awad al - Awadi , the composition of the public prosecutor to exercise its functions in a wider and more influential.

    He urged the Attorney Fadhil Kanani a clear structure for the Prosecutor's Office and those retaining him and his situation.

    He MP Ammar Tohme that the supervision of the judiciary to the public prosecution system contrasts with the role of power, calling for the inclusion of the appointment of the Deputy Chief Prosecutor device approval of the House of Representatives.

    And it demanded an olive-Dulaimi, deputy public prosecutor that contributes device to open the files of corruption directly and accounting spoilers all effective.

    In its response to the Committee on the interventions it stressed that the public prosecutor holds the qualifications of the judge, but the tasks entrusted to him not a few being watched the entire judicial decisions in various fields, noting that Legal Committee has done its part in amending the bill in order to advance the mission of the machine by making a personal moral and regarded as one of the judiciary components in addition to his investigation into the crimes of financial and administrative corruption and the civil service, without exception, declaring held extensive dialogue sessions in this matter, taking into consideration the interventions ladies and gentlemen, the House of Representatives on the law.

    The Board had read the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the Law of Property Claims Commission Act No. (13) for the year 2010 and provided legal committees and deportees and displaced and expatriates.

    In the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives lawmaker confirmed, but Talabani on the importance of opening offices in the provinces again to the presence of thousands of lawsuits that are Legal Committee to follow up the work of the Commission.

    He MP Niazi Davutoglu that the authority did not complete their work so far , with no resolution of the fate of the land and property belonging to the Turkmen in many areas and returned to their owners or compensation.

    She drew MP Nora Albjara that the authority stopped receiving cases that have been referred to other courts, expressing their support to solve the body and convert its staff to work in the competent courts.

    He noted the MP Jassem Mohammed Jaafar to the importance of the survival of the body to do its job for a certain period to restore the right of his wife.

    For its part suggested Rep. Tamimi morning the government to compensate those affected in Ardh ​​equivalent financial value to compensate for the lack of financial liquidity.

    And the MP Abbas al - Bayati , the presence of hundreds of Faili Kurds and Turkmen unjustly displaced and many segments did not regain their rights and their property, calling for the formation of a mini body works the same laws in order to solve the problem of property disputes before going to solve it .

    In its reply to the interventions of the Committee on indicated that the authority provided in the 2010 report, which refers to its completion fully with the given deadline of the year, prompting the government to end the work of the Commission, pointing out that the existence of complaints from victims of the former regime's policy to pay the government to reconsider passage end body work and continue to settle property disputes issues which require voting on the amendment bill.

    In another context, President al-Jubouri announced the completion of the Commission on Higher Education of the process of evaluating a candidate for the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the new ministerial cabin, calling on the relevant parliamentary committees to expedite the provision of its assessment of the other candidates.

    The Board also completed the first reading of the proposed Second Amendment to the Law of the Supreme Commission for Human Rights No. 82 for the year 2008.

    The Council postponed read the quarterly report of the activities of the Committee of Martyrs and victims and political prisoners at the request of them until the completion of some of the paragraphs

    And read Commission on oil and energy and natural resources its own report their activities quarterly, said the work done in the legislative and regulatory sides through meetings with officials Almokhtsaan to discuss the legislation, and hosting the competent ministers and a number of officials in the ministries as well as field visits to various departments concerned ( the full text of the report ) .

    For his part, Mr. President of the Council praised the Commission's report, calling on them to investigate on what is being said about the corruption in the oil contracts and submit a report to the Council in cooperation with the Integrity Committee in this regard.

    President al-Jubouri and expressed regret for the death of Sabawi Knight Commander of the crowd in a drunken, offering the condolences of the Council with the deceased.

    In another context, Mr. Speaker announced that the Council will hold a special session in the event of the readiness of the Prime Minister to provide the names of the cab from the ministerial order to vote, stressing the commitment of the House of Representatives Baltoukitat with the importance of expediting the assessment of candidates for ministerial positions.

    And then it decides to adjourn the meeting on Tuesday, 04.12.2016.

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    Iraqi Council of Representatives

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