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    CBI adopts a project to reduce the risks of retained securities

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    CBI adopts a project to reduce the risks of retained securities Empty CBI adopts a project to reduce the risks of retained securities

    Post by Rocky Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:53 am

    [size=48]CBI adopts a project to reduce the risks of retained securities[/size]
    6:16:02 4.17.2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Baghdad , Iraqi private banks association said that therecommendations of the workshop payment system mail and collection adopted by the«Central» Iraq is aproject aimed at developing banking products and reach out to the world.The President of the Association meek ​​Handal that «These recommendations are gaining great importance it focuses the shift towards electronic payment of various tools and payment via cell phones and the internet andother products ».He stressed that« issuing banks andcard operation will be part of theirfuture plans to reduce the cash trading and change carry cash habits and reduce thedangers saved, as well as spreading the culture of theacquisition ofalternative tools ,including in line with the central Iraqi law and thelaw of Iraqi banks and the system ofelectronic payment of funds No. 3 of 2014 ». He Handal to the importance of direct international institutions to benefit from thepotential of banks licensed companies from the central bank, to provide electronic payment services under contracts take into account thecompetition, transparency and good performance, and encourage ministries and institutions andpublic and private mixed deposit ofsalaries and wages earned for Mnzbehm in their accounts at thebanks, that the rules set by the bank to control the liquidity of the banks to ensure their ability to pay , while thedemand, and prevent the delay or loss of deposits staff. The institutions may beneficiary contract with the banks ,which in turn draw providers ofelectronic payment services licensed by the central aim offinding treated trustee for thesalaries ofassociates. He Handal, in aninterview carried by the «life» international electronic, to theimportance that the«bank holds with the payment service providers and collection and working with them, put mechanisms ofaction commensurate withthe nature of theservice and ensure the smooth flow ofwork and comprehensive POS and places ATM ». He explained that« thesupply of payment and collection companies and information technology services companies, including telecommunications companies, is not entitled to exercise business banking ,which is one of thecore competence ofbanks and restricted their work as asubcontractor the licensed banks by the central bank, to ensure the existence of public deposits exclusively in banks, so the banks are the guarantors of the rights of thecustomers are and take the central function routine monitoring liquidity risk of banks and other management indicators ». and that« theresponsibility of thecentral bank include control liquidity and tocontrol money supply on andcustomized banking companies engaged in banking activities, and recipients Caldoair institutions of various banking services in terms ofpayment and collection and other commercial banks. » He added that «those who collect funds may use different types ofincentives to encourage citizens to electronic payments, such as an opponent proportions of theamounts», adding that « therecommendations called for licensed companies from theCentral Bank to develop systems linking the levy pay-service, and tobe an important factor in the field ofcompetition to get contracts from the beneficiaries governmental or civil ». the Executive Director of the Association of Ali Tariq described therecommendations the task because they convey themovement ofbanking transactions to advanced levels, and distance it from many dangers, especially that therecommendations favored the wage -date and prices of payment not be subject The collection, to determine theabsolute, but leaves it to banks, companies and providers ofsupport service. in addition, theAssociation proposed theestablishment ofmy knowledge center for inventory finance receivables for the Iraqis, while confirming the need to unify the tax procedures between the two governments, thecentral and theKurdistan region, to prevent double taxation. Handal said in a statement that «Association held a joint seminar with the General Authority for taxes in the presence offigures from theCentral Bank ofIraq and thegovernment and the House ofRepresentatives» saying « the need todeepen theprospects ofbilateral cooperation and therole of the private sector as a true partner in thedevelopment process in thecountry». He added that «Association confirmed theholding of joint quarterly meetings every three months to follow up bilateral cooperation with the tax authority issues». He stressed during the seminar « the need for Iraq to move to international accounting standards, especially with regard to the work of the General Commission for Taxes», suggesting «create informative center contains rules data for all Iraqis to confine financial receivables. » the phenomenon ofcorruption« thebiggest challenge »facing Iraq as well as security, particularly the levels reached alevel paying aspecialized international organizations to put Iraq among themost corrupt countries in theworld, also led to popular protests successive recently in July 31, 2015, to demand the fight against corruption and improve services. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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