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    Psychological analysis: Beyond the absurd .. in the Iraqi political scene!

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    Psychological analysis: Beyond the absurd .. in the Iraqi political scene! Empty Psychological analysis: Beyond the absurd .. in the Iraqi political scene!

    Post by Rocky Fri 22 Apr 2016, 3:35 am

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    Psychological analysis: Beyond the absurd .. in the Iraqi political scene!

     d. Qassim Hussein Saleh 

    Reasonable is absurd and is consistent with the logic, and the absurd is the one who could digest the mind with it is not consistent with the logic, either post the absurd is the onewho is not acceptable to the mind and logic .. and this is what happened in the scene of theIraqi Alnisani, not on the first day .. but on the twelfth of it. On that day , it sits more than 170 deputies in the dome of the Iraqi parliament , demanding the resignation of thethree presidencies (parliament, government and the republic). The escalating dramatic scene to announce in the next day to sack the parliament speaker and his two deputies, and the appointment of the President of theParliament .. to be a parliament with two heads! After stabbing his boss ( the article) the legitimacy of the dismissal .. which Antakht his clan to warn and warn .. as if the presidency of theparliament of a tribal right!  Colorful visions and contrasted in the interpretation of the scene of the event, some of whom he described as: a farce, chaos, machinery abroad scenario being to take it out in inside, theway fabricated whitening faces, game malignancy of the mass of the rule of law to get rid of the Prime Minister does not abide by the orders of the President of the bloc, the game hypocrites awakened consciences ten years after slumber and they had to start to clean up parliament Vasudaih not the boss, the surprise will not last long, and they Anfaleon and fools and rioters sedition within the same community, while others described the event as: liberation of the will of the House of Representatives from the control of the heads ofblocs sectarians, the start of a new Iraqi will, national and response from the brave deputies to achieve theslogans the protesters elimination of quotas and the removal of corrupt and rehabilitate the people humiliated. and  what does not digest the mind not absorbed by the logic of the deputies of the protestors were the day before they were in the eyes of many people: corrupt, losers, hypocrites .. they considered national heroes and antiquated be bygones , even if they were collaborators with Daash, and even if they confessed they stole millions of dollars, and even if it themselves , who Be the harem Sultan or surveyors shoulders of thehead of government was the Alovsd and Worst in the history of Iraq .. it should now be Iqaswa Balsoa with honorable deputies responded honestly to the cry of an oppressed people !, and what does it matter if they are carrying the flag as long as they are involved in the delivery of rail reform to Safety station, while others count the event and description shame and disgrace and a shame !.  suddenly, the scene in less than twenty hours changed to its opposite .. picket Representatives (percent ninety fails!) to become the Saturday (April 16) (125), and go their demands with the wind ! To re - wind the same document honor quotas backed by the most powerful country in the world and described the House of Representatives hearing on Thursday it .. !! void. And disclaims blocs of deputies who protested and described of being unpatriotic, to become Khaina honor edema! .. And returned reform train in the opposite direction proudly triumphantly secure his family (Mahasson) fear they may Broh scariest two days ago !.   that what is happening in Iraq is a (cord) given for this Iraqi cord three reasons, first for four dictatorial powers (Umayyad, Abbasseya, Ottoman, Baathist) mastered the horror of torture, and the second: Iraqi inherit the psychology of the dispute with the other since he was a grandfather Sumerian is the only one in his time , who counted himself a son to the gods ofpersonal and not a slave him, and the third being hit sticks disease is Branwaya of the kind that forces itsowner to raise the slogan (for Ongdy Besahabay before my dining). the other bug is that the Iraqis chairpersons in the nature of their relationship with the governor. Since the beginning of the formation of theIslamic state was Caliphs observe the Iraqis deal and take their objections seriously. Even before Islam, Iraqis were described as what surrendered to dirt and acquiesced to unjust nor Anbtahoa authority and this was repeated their objections to the governors. Upon bigeye scientific explanation for their objections this saying: (The reason the disobedience of the people of Iraq , the princes, they're the people of view and has adiscerning insight, and with the business acumen and consider to be the exploration and research, and with the search be challenged mug shootout between the men and the distinction between presidents and show defects princes ..) and this is what protesters do sitters and MPs who said the quota system is the cause ofaffliction and devastation and misery of the people, and that corruption in Asirtamoh Zmancm cleverness and intelligence after it was shameful and a disgrace .. naught what Artkptoh of errors and disbelieve all sins. Yet they, I mean the referees, they recognize they are baptized to be repaired because of power in Iraq learned of the ruling that surrounds himself with advisers telling him what he likes to hear, and what keep it in power ,which increase his evil in wealth collection, inflation in the Iraqi ruler 's disease .. flaunting inflated ego as well as (the cognitive) sectarian forced him to see that he and his community on an absolute right and the other sect at the void absolute.  and ended the second quarter of play (beyond reasonable) and broke up theaudience between satirical description demanding an end to the quota system is the most powerful Iraqi missile !, and the latest pictures of the people people Mhania senior government background and giant standing has paid her finger East to the buttocks, while others vowed that the third quarter will see what makes you think of another title is (beyond the absurd) .. then await!
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