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    Alhmam office: we will reveal the documents and images in Anbar officials involved with terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Alhmam office: we will reveal the documents and images in Anbar officials involved with terrorism Empty Alhmam office: we will reveal the documents and images in Anbar officials involved with terrorism

    Post by Rocky Sat 23 Apr 2016, 3:03 am

    [ltr]Alhmam office: we will reveal the documents and images in Anbar officials involved with terrorism[/ltr]

     Since 22/04/2016 18:14 pm (Baghdad time)
    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][/ltr]
    [ltr]Baghdad balances News[/ltr]
    [ltr]Office of the Chairman of the Committee revealed re - displaced to Ramadi Abdul Latif Alhmam, for the fact some officials of the decision - makers in Anbar, who joined up with the terrorists, by booby - trapping houses have been cleared by the Engineering Division, and we have proof of the involvement of these officials in these horrific crimes, documents and images recordings, and investigations carried out by a committee of federal and local governments in Anbar.[/ltr]
    [ltr]The office said in a statement received / balances News / copy of it, he was "with the continuation of the return of the people honored Anbar safely to their homes, the displacement camps where they faced various kinds oftorment and suffering for months throughout, without turning them some officials in local government in Anbar owners resolution, we came out today some cacophony, belonging to some influential officials in Anbar, to try tojustify their mass failure and their representatives in front of the masses of Anbar valued customers , by droppingthe charges and the allegations of the Nile in desperate attempts miserable, who continued day and night service toits people displaced, did not prevent him various risks responding to cries for help launched by the silks of Anbar, while deafened positions and gain the ears of decision - makers in the Anbar province. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He added, "we and after a long silence all recurring and paid the price abuse and targeting campaigns, carried out by entities in the officials in Anbar, did not reflect only their failures and plotting the people of Anbar private and Iraqis in general, we would like to emphasize the following: The Scottna on Masdr for some bankrupt during thelast period was in order to deter strife, but with the continued frenzied campaign through fabrication and fabrication and dissemination of news is paid for , to target us, openly through websites cheap, is what made ​​shamed in front of public opinion is a must. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He continued, that " the areas of the Commission re - displaced announced to Ramadi , headed by Dr. Abdul Latif Alhmam fully cleared has not seen, any security breaches, except for one incident in which cited three of the sons ofIraq, members of the dismantling improvised explosive teams, the mastermind of the incident carried out by theauthorities as long as I tried obstruct the return of displaced persons, and continues today with Almsaa sinful, to get the money back displaced projects, connecting the return of displaced persons to access to project contracts. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He pointed out that " the ambitions of some local government officials to Inbar, of the weak people, made ​​them more dangerous than the terrorist Daash gangs, shreds some power owners recruited terrorists for booby -trapping houses and terrifying residents, in order to disrupt and prevent the return of the people of Anbar, and keep them in displacement camps, for gains Ktheloah material and miserable. "[/ltr]
    [ltr]He concluded that "we confirm that we will discover in the coming hours the names, photographs and recordings ofthese terrorists, and those who stand behind them, immediately after achieving the competent authorities, to know the people of Anbar, Iraqis came Baldoaash and those who stand behind them and who is the most dangerous of them." Ended 29 / D 24[/ltr]

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