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    Bangladesh professor hacked to death, throat slit in suspected Islamic jihad attack


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Bangladesh professor hacked to death, throat slit in suspected Islamic jihad attack Empty Bangladesh professor hacked to death, throat slit in suspected Islamic jihad attack

    Post by Lobo Sat 23 Apr 2016, 7:18 pm

    Bangladesh professor hacked to death, throat slit in suspected Islamic jihad attack

    April 23, 2016 8:47 am By Robert Spencer 

    “His neck was hacked at least three times and was 70-80 percent slit. By examining the nature of the attack, we suspect that it was carried out by extremist groups.” He doesn’t mean those widely-touted but actually quite scarce “right-wing extremists,” either.
    “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)
    Bangladesh professor hacked to death, throat slit in suspected Islamic jihad attack Rezaul-Karim-Siddique
    “Bangladesh professor hacked to death in suspected Islamist attack,” AFP, April 23, 2016 (thanks to Naveen):
    DHAKA: Unidentified attackers hacked to death a university professor in Bangladesh on Saturday, police said, adding that the assault bore the hallmarks of previous killings by Islamist militants of secular and atheist activists.
    Police said English professor Rezaul Karim Siddique, 58, was hacked from behind with machetes as he walked to the bus station from his home in the country’s northwestern city of Rajshahi, where he taught at the city’s public university.
    “His neck was hacked at least three times and was 70-80 percent slit. By examining the nature of the attack, we suspect that it was carried out by extremist groups,” Rajshahi metropolitan police commissioner Mohammad Shamsuddin said.
    Shamsuddin said police had not yet named any suspects but added that the pattern of the attack fitted with previous killings by Islamist militants.
    Nahidul Islam, a deputy commissioner of police, said Siddique was involved in cultural programmes, including music, and set up a school at Bagmara, a former bastion of an outlawed Islamist group, Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).
    “The attack is similar to the ones carried out on (atheist) bloggers in the recent past,” Islam said….

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