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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Infallible: continued meetings of the House of representatives is absolutely

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Infallible: continued meetings of the House of representatives is absolutely Empty Infallible: continued meetings of the House of representatives is absolutely

    Post by Rocky Thu May 05, 2016 7:51 am

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    Infallible: continued meetings of the House of representatives is absolutely

     Baghdad/range 

    Student President, Fouad Massoum, today, the political forces to do their utmost to bring the legislature into healing fast under the dome of the Parliament at the same time, believing that the parliamentary meeting held during this delicate phase strictly necessary to protect the political process.
    Masoom said in a speech broadcast by Iraqi screen yesterday, that "country" is facing a political crisis threatens to exacerbate the political process may take and the Supreme National interest to serious dangers and threats. "
    "Our constitutional and national duty would not allow to leave her on down, which requires our call to all political forces, especially in the legislative and executive branches need to address immediately treated as a top priority however this required extraordinary efforts and reciprocal concessions that pour into successful access to peaceful, democratic and constitutional reform forward and strengthen the fight against corruption, and in laying the necessary confidence to collapse the partisan and factional quota page.
    Masoom said the "continuation of the dialogue between the political forces and intensified to ensure concrete and urgent solutions ensure that override this crisis and go to work together to achieve the goals of our major current and first victory over terrorism."
    "In this spirit, we call on all political forces to make every effort to return the legislature to coalesce quickly under the dome of the Parliament in a unified meeting to renew and enhance peace and confidence of the people by the legislature and other State institutions, to enhance the prestige and respect for our country in front of friendly peoples and the whole world."
    "It can express the will of the people and achieve common goals, and address the shortcomings and errors, whatever the severity of differences in views and positions."
    The President said that "the continued holding of the sessions of the House without interruption during this delicate phase, strictly necessary to protect the political process, and the big challenges," he said, adding that "the Parliament is the fundamental basis for the political process and the actual engine to accomplish the desired political reforms, issuing laws and legislation required to eliminate corruption and deal with the financial crisis, and the coming elections on time after the constitutional amendment of the electoral law."
    He is infallible in his call to the General command of the armed forces and security ministries and institutions involved in Baghdad and all the provinces to carry out its mandated tasks to defeat terrorists as her extraordinary efforts to keep the State institutions and prevent weak attack on immunity and destroying their property. "

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