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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Blocks demanding accountability from the security of the leaders of the Green: collusion behind the

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    Blocks demanding accountability from the security of the leaders of the Green: collusion behind the  Empty Blocks demanding accountability from the security of the leaders of the Green: collusion behind the

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 May 2016, 3:38 am

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    Blocks demanding accountability from the security of the leaders of the Green: collusion behind the storming of parliament

     BAGHDAD / Ahmed al-Yassiri 

    It carried the Kurdish parties and the other in the National Alliance, yesterday, the Liberal bloc responsibility to storm the parliament, and demanded to question the head of thesecurity committee in Parliament as well as the security of the Green Zone administrator. 
    She spoke these parties for "high - coordinate" between security forces and protesters to break into the Green Zone, accusing the prime minister of trying tobreak the prestige of the parliament to allow the entry of demonstrators. 
    in the meantime, the Liberal bloc accused parties unnamed enter "infiltrators" for the abuse of protesters, arguing that the accusations directed to her, trying to Tsagatha. 
    stormed the demonstrators , most of them supporters of Sadr, on 30 April, the House of Representatives after failing the completion of the vote on the ministerial Cab reforms. A number of deputies to the beatings at the hands of intruders, while forcing MPs others disappeared in the corridors of the parliament building, before being evacuated outside the Green Zone. 
    The General Command of the Armed Forces has announced that , on Wednesday, the exemption of thecommander of the Special Forces Task Force, charged with protecting the Green Zone , Lieutenant - General Mohammad Reza, and the appointment of Major General Karim al - Tamimi instead. 
    and charged the former head of security of the green Zone , political parties responsible for storming the parliament building. 
    in the meantime , ruled MP Hoshyar Abdullah, head of the movement for change parliamentary bloc, theformation of an investigative committee broke into the parliament building, but he accused the president ofMinisters and MPs Sadrists enter demonstrators to the green Zone for "breaking the prestige of the parliament and the state." 
    said Hoshyar Abdullah, told the (range), "there was a high level of coordination between demonstrators andsecurity forces in the green Zone." 
    said Abdullah, a member of the of the security committee of parliamentary, that "Abadi fully aware that thedemonstrators broke into the green , however , no action was taken, because he wants to break the prestige of parliament and wants to weaken it, " pointing out that " the Prime Minister instructed not to enter themilitary in it but called on them to support the demonstrators . " 
    turn supports Badr bloc, in the words of Attorney Siham al - Moussawi, the formation of a committee to investigate the process of storming the parliament building, demanding at the same time accountability chairman of the security committee in parliament MP of quitting, the leader of the Liberal bloc. 
    and Izzat al - Musawi, in connection with the (range), claim questioned Zamili to the appearance of his pictures in social networking with the demonstrators sites , "arguing the latter part in the demonstrations as" illegal bypass must account for it , ".othdtt bloc member of the Badr for" complicity of some security leaders to bring protesters to the green Zone, "and demanded to interrogate the commander Baghdad , Abdul Amir al - Shammari operations team , Mohammad Reza commander of the band and a number of other officers, to see the party that allowed the introduction of the demonstrators to the parliament building, "and he wondered if there was a swarm is for the prime minister to allow the demonstrators. 
    She described the block member of the Badr entry of thousands of demonstrators into the building parliament and the assault on the House of Representatives as a "clear violation of the laws and the Constitution." 
    says Rep . Siham al - Moussawi , "I saw how the demonstrators gathered on the parking staff, deputies and they have broken on " revealing "a violation of the House of Representatives has been obfuscated Kasabh many employees were injured, and still some of the injured lying in the hospital yet . "But Majid al - Gharawi, MP for the Liberal bloc and a member of the security committee in Parliament, stressed that the mass ofinformation that the establishment of some political parties, affected by the demonstrations, the introduction of people with the demonstrators to provoke chaos and abuse of demonstrations. 
    explains Ghraoui, in a telephone call with (range), " The available information suggests that some political parties have Badakhal demonstrators undisciplined to green in order to harm the demonstration." 
    as a member of the Liberal bloc refused to disclose the identity of the actors involved the introduction oflurking, he stressed that the bloc expose those involved in front of public opinion when the information available to make sure they have. 
    He denied Ghraoui the formation of a parliamentary committee to investigate the circumstances of thestorming of the House of Representatives, and he rejected the accusations directed to the Liberal bloc for its introduction of the demonstrators to the region Alkhaddra.ofatt member of the Sadrist bloc that " the security forces responsible for protecting the green Zone , not any member of members of the Liberal bloc sway them, "However , saying" it seems that some political parties regrettably trying to ruin the Liberal bloc. " 
    the members of the security committee has declared, yesterday, all efforts to exempt MP of quitting from thepresidency of the Commission, and decided to invoke the protection official former green Zone and his officers to listen to their testimony, in preparation for the interrogation of the commander in chief of the armed forces Prime Minister Haider Alebadi.obescon removal of the commander in chief of the armed forces of the official security in the green Zone, says MP Ghraoui " the interior minister wants to have an affair by the introduction of the rapid reaction forces and brigades Federal police are trying to convince the prime minister that he isable to deter the demonstrators and to address them. " 
    a few days later to keep the security of the green Zone administrator, decided to Prime Minister Haider al -Abadi, replace Regiment Peshmerga charged with protecting the parliament building forces of the Federal police. 
    a source familiar with (range Press), asking not to be named, said : " an official in the regiment Peshmerga told him that the steering Abadi has not yet implemented the decision that the replacement of the jurisdiction of the Speaker of the House, not the Prime Minister." Furthermore, replies , Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, on Saturday, on the decision of the General Commander of the Armed Forces , Haider al - Abadi replacing Regiment Peshmerga charged with protecting the Parliament. 
    The Sheikh Mohammed, in a statement seen by (long - Presse), said, " The presidency of Parliament it is decided to transfer or deportation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in the regiment , "noting that he had informed Defence Minister Khaled al - Obeidi that" it is not the prerogative of any party Regiment replace thePeshmerga. "

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