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    US newspaper: Iranian efforts to stop the protests, led by al-Sadr against the Iraqi government

    Admin Assist
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    US newspaper: Iranian efforts to stop the protests, led by al-Sadr against the Iraqi government Empty US newspaper: Iranian efforts to stop the protests, led by al-Sadr against the Iraqi government

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 May 2016, 9:08 am

    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/rtl]

    [rtl]US newspaper: Iranian efforts to stop the protests, led by al-Sadr against the Iraqi government[/rtl]

    [rtl]Follow-up / Sky Press: Areej al-Taie[/rtl]

    [rtl] It confirmed a US newspaper on Sunday that Iran is seeking to intervene to stop the protest movement called by the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in the political process, which he described as "corrupt."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The newspaper "Washington Post", "The Tehran summoned the chest after the demonstrations for his supporters to storm the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, and chanting slogans calling for Iran to get out of Iraq, to ​​try to heal the Shiite Shiite discord in Iraq."[/rtl]
    [rtl]She said, "There is pressure by Iran on Moqtada al-Sadr to stop his protest movement on the political process in Iraq, which he described as (corrupt)."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The newspaper quoted a fighter Saraya al-Sadr's peace, Salah Hassan, as saying that "America and Iran share a cake in Iraq, and each share, and people say that Shiites loyal to Iran, and this is not true, we are loyal and faithful to the chest only."[/rtl]
    [rtl]Chanted the demonstrators during the storming of the Green Zone slogans: "Iran overland by road," and "I am Iraqi, I let the Iranian seen," and other slogans angered Iran.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He left leader Walter Sadr Muqtada al-Sadr, after the storming of the demonstrators to the parliament building, on board an Iranian plane to Tehran, and while some sources say Iran has been angry with the leader of the Sadrist movement, says his followers that he went to offer condolences on the death of the eighth Shia Imams and that he would probably stay there for two months, where he was to retire from politics during this period.[/rtl]
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